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  2. Updating WooCommerce

Updating WooCommerce

You can choose to update WooCommerce with one click or manually update it.

Important: Before updating, we recommended that you back up your current WooCommerce installation and your WordPress database. See How To Update Your Site on how to make a backup and test before going live.

One-Click Update

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Be sure you’ve read and understand how to update your site, then come back to your live site to update..

  1. Back up your live site.
  2. Go to: Dashboard > Updates within WordPress.
  3. If there is an update, you’ll see WooCommerce in the list of plugins/themes to update.
  4. Tick the checkbox next to plugins/themes/WooCommerce, then select Update Now button.

Manual Update

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Again, be certain you’ve read how to update your site.
  1. Download the latest version of WooCommerce from WordPress.org.
  2. Upload the unzipped WooCommerce folder to the wp-content/plugins directory on your web server overwriting the old files.


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