WooCommerce for iOS

The official WooCommerce iOS App is available for free from the Apple iTunes Store via WooCommerce.app.

This guide walks you through setup, how to connect your store, and how to use the app.


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  • iOS 16 or above
  • iPhone 8 or newer
Note: Older versions of iOS may be used, but will not support the latest version of the apps or receive updates.

The official WooCommerce iOS App also can be used with the iPad.


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Your store should be either

Jetpack is not required to use the app for self-hosted stores running on WordPress 5.6 or above. However, having the Jetpack plugin installed, connected, and activated enables notifications and can help your site work better with the app (more info on Jetpack at Getting Started with Jetpack.)

To install the app, either

  • use your device to visit the Apple App Store, search for WooCommerce by Automattic, and install the app, or
  • use your device to open this link and get started from there: WooCommerce.app

Connecting to your store

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Our welcome screen will greet you after you have installed and launched the official WooCommerce iOS app. Select your login preference by either entering your store address or continuing with WordPress.com. The login process varies slightly, but the end result is the same.

  1. If you selected Continue with WordPress.com, type your WordPress.com account email address and tap Continue.
  2. Either type your WordPress.com password and tap Continue, or select Get a login link by email.
  3. If you have a choice of sites, tap to select your preference; otherwise, tap Continue.
  4. The My Store page loads, indicating your app is now connected to your WooCommerce store.

If you start with Enter Your Store Address, type the website URL of your WooCommerce store in the field provided, and click Continue. You can then enter the site’s wp-admin credentials. You will be given an option to connect Jetpack if Jetpack is not connected. 

Logging out of your store

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To disconnect the WooCommerce app from your store:

  1. Tap the Menu icon on the navigation bar at the bottom-right of the screen
  2. Select Settings at the top of the screen
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings screen
  4. Tap Log Out

Multiple Stores

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You can manage any WooCommerce store using the app, provided it’s connected to your Jetpack account.

  1. Tap the Menu icon on the navigation bar at the bottom-right of the screen
  2. Tap the name of the store at the top of the screen
  3. Choose another store in your account
  4. Tap Continue to complete the switch

Note: as of version 8.0, the app supports push notifications for all stores connected with the same Jetpack/WordPress.com account.

Multiple Store Admins

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Multiple people with Administrator or Store Manager user roles can manage a store from their own devices. Each person will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the WooCommerce website via a browser
  2. Go to Jetpack Dashboard and then Connections
  3. Select “Link to WordPress.com
  4. Log in with their WordPress.com account
  5. Select Jetpack Free Plan
  6. The respective user can now log into the app with their WordPress.com Account.

To allow Shop managers to view stats, go to Jetpack → Settings → Traffic and enable stats viewing.

Set who can view Jetpack site stats
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The My Store page is the default view when launching the WooCommerce iOS app. It is one of four main sections, which are:

  • My Store – a high-level overview of sales and top-performing products for this day, week, month, or year.
  • Orders – search or filter existing orders or take payment for new ones.
  • Products – search or filter existing products or add new ones.
  • Menu – switch stores and access reviews, app settings, and more.

My Store

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The My Store tab provides sales and visitor data, and gives insight into sales trends. It’s the default view when launching the app, but can be accessed from any other view by tapping the My Store icon on the navigation bar at the bottom-left of the screen.

The top section of My Store displays Visitors, Orders, and Revenue for the selected period. By selecting the calendar icon at the top right of each card, you can filter it for Today, This Week, This Month, This Year, or a Custom Range.

Bar graphs display an overview of how sales change over time. Tap on an individual bar to view that period’s data.

The bottom section displays top-selling products for the corresponding period. Pull down the screen to refresh manually.


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To access the Orders tab, tap the Orders icon on the bottom-left of the navigation bar. The Orders tab allows access to a list of orders, which you can filter by status or search for a specific order. Click on an order to view or manage it.

To create an order, please read over the documentation on this page.

Order Filter

Orders can be filtered by Order Status and/or Date Range.

  1. Tap Filter at the top-right of the screen
  2. Select Order Status to filter by: Any, Pending, Processing, On Hold, Failed, Canceled, Completed, or Refunded
  3. Select Date Range to filter by: Any, Today, Last 2 Days, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Custom Range (select a Start Date and End Date)
  4. Select Customer to view orders from a specific customer
  5. Select Product to view orders only containing a specific product or products
  6. After each filter selection, tap Show Orders to apply the filters
  7. While filters are active, a filter count is shown on the Orders page, and Clear All appears as an option in the Filters view. Tap Clear All followed by Show Orders to reset all Order filters.

To search for a specific order or orders:

  1. Tap the Search icon in the top toolbar.
  2. Begin typing. The search will look for matching terms by customer first name, last name, product, and order number.

View and Manage Orders

View Orders

To view an order in detail, select an individual order in the list or tap the order displayed in the New Order notification.

The Order Detail screen provides details on:

  • Order date, number, customer name, and order status
  • A list of products ordered, quantity, attributes, and prices
  • Payment details
  • A button relative to the order status (e.g., Mark Order Complete for Processing or Refund if the order is Processing or Completed)
  • Customer notes
  • Shipping Details
  • Billing info, including customer name, address, and email
  • Order notes – private, system, and public
  • Related Subscription (only applicable for subscriptions created by the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension)

As of version 9.7, if an order has custom fields, the order details screen in the app will show a View Custom Fields button below the products on the order. Tapping the button opens a list of the custom fields.

Fullfill an Order

  1. Open an order with a Processing status to display the Order detail screen
  2. Tap Mark Order Complete. The Review Order screen appears
  3. Verify the product details and shipping information, then tap Mark Order Complete.

Marking an order complete with the app triggers a Completed Order email to the customer, the same as if the order was fulfilled on your site. More info at Email Notifications.

Note: Made a mistake? Upon submitting the order for fulfillment, a message with an option to undo will appear for a short time. Clicking Undo will revert the order back to its original status.

View Product Details

Open the detailed view of any product in the order by tapping on the product. 

Add an Order Note

  1. Open an order and scroll down to the Order Notes section
  2. To add an order note, press + Add a note
  3. The note is private by default but can be made visible to the customer by toggling the Email note to customer setting
  4. Tap Add in the top-right corner to save the note

Contact the Customer

  1. Open an order and scroll down to the Customer section and select View Billing Information.
  2. If a billing address was entered, it can be copied by long-pressing the address area and selecting Copy
  3. If a valid phone number was added during checkout, it will be visible via an ellipsis menu to its right. Tapping the menu reveals options to Call or Message the customer (messages are sent to all numbers, but only succeeds to mobile numbers)
  4. If a valid email address was added during checkout, it will be visible with an envelope icon to its right. Tap the icon to email the customer

Refund an order

  1. Open the order you’d like to refund (or partially refund), and scroll down to the Issue Refund button
  2. Enter the quantity of each item you’d like to refund. Press Select All in the top-right to select all products in the order
  3. To refund shipping charges, slide the Refund Shipping toggle to the right
  4. Press Next, and optionally leave an order note related to the refund
  5. Press Refund and a confirmation screen will appear
  6. Press Refund to confirm or Cancel to go back. After pressing Refund and the refund is processed, a notification will appear

Orders on iPad

The Orders tab on iPad is optimized to show more details at once, with the order list shown side by side with order details. In order creation and editing, you can see all your products at the same time as the order.


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The Products tab allows you to access a list of products that can be sorted or filtered by stock status, product type, or category, search for a specific product, view and manage, and add new ones. To access this view, tap the Products icon on the navigation bar at the bottom-right.

Product Sort and Filter

Products can be sorted ascending or descending by either date or name

  1. Tap on Sort By below the Product name at the top-left of the view
  2. Tap Date: Newest to Oldest, Date: Oldest to Newest, Title: Z to A, or Title: A to Z to sort products accordingly
  3. Once selected, the product list reloads, showing products in the order specified
  4. Tap anywhere else on the screen to exit the selection without making a change

Products can be filtered by Stock Status, Product Status, Product Type, or Product Category.

  1. Tap on Filter below the Product name at the top-right of the view
  2. Select Stock Status to filter by Any, In stock, Out of stock, On Backorder
  3. Select Product Status to filter by Any, Published, Draft, Pending Review
  4. Select Product Type to filter by Any, Simple, Variable, Grouped, External/Affiliate.
  5. Select Product Category to filter by one of the product categories configured in your WooCommerce store
  6. After each filter selection, either tap Show Products to apply the filters or tap the Back arrow (top-left) to view and select more filters
  7. While filters are active, a filter count is shown on the Product page next to Filter, and Clear All appears as an option in the Filters view
  8. To reset all Product filters, tap Filters, then Clear All, followed by Show Products

To search for specific Products:

  1. Tap the Search icon in the top toolbar
  2. Begin typing. The search will look for matching terms in Product names
  3. Tapping on the SKU tab will allow you to search for products using their SKU

If a product has an SKU assigned to it, you can also search by scanning its barcode. To do so, press the Barcode icon at the top-left of the toolbar. Scan the product’s barcode using your device’s camera, and the matching product will show.

View and Manage Products

View Products

To view a product in detail, tap an individual product on the Products list.

The Product detail screen provides details on:

  • Product images: add or remove images
  • Product name
  • Product long description
  • Promote with Blaze
  • For Variable products: adding and managing variations
  • For Variable products: adding and managing variation attributes
  • For Grouped products: add/remove products in the group
  • Price: regular price, sale price, sale schedule (from/to), tax status, tax class
  • Product reviews
  • For External/Affiliate products: Product link, product URL, button text
  • Inventory: SKU, Manage stock toggle (quantity, backorders), Stock status (in stock, out of stock, or on back order), toggle to limit one per order
  • Categories: assign, unassign, add category
  • For Downloadable products: Downloadable files: add, remove, file URL, File Name
  • Product short description
  • Product Type: Physical, simple virtual, variable, grouped, external

You can update the prices across all product variations at once for Variable products. You will find the option for bulk updating the prices by selecting Variations and then tapping the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen.

At the bottom of each Product detail view is a link to Add more details to add the following (visibility depends on product type):

  • Shipping: weight, length, width, height, shipping class
  • Tags: add tag, or select from tags existing in your WooCommerce store
  • Linked products: upsells, cross-sells
  • Downloadable files: from device, from WordPress Media Library, enter file URL

Add a Product

Adding a product in the app requires data similar to when adding a product in your WooCommerce store. Follow the steps outlined below to add a product via the app:

  1. From the Product list view tap the + icon at the top-right of the screen
  2. Select from Simple physical product, Simple virtual product, Variable Product, Grouped Product, or External product
  3. Fill in the relevant fields
  4. Tap Add more details to add, as required by your product, Shipping weight and dimensions, categories and tags, a short description, and linked products
  5. Under the ellipsis menu at to the top-right of the screen there are options to Save as draft, Product Settings, or to cancel the product creation. Product Settings contain fimiliar WooCommerce options:
  6. Once the new product configuration is completed click Publish at the top-right of the screen

Share or Delete a Product

A published product can be shared, and a product with any status can be deleted.

To delete a product:

  • Enter the Detail view of the product
  • Tap the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen
  • Select Delete
  • A Remove product prompt appears
  • Tap Move to Trash to confirm or Cancel to exit
  • Confirming will move the product to trash and return you to the Product list view
  • Cancelling returns you to the product detail view

To share a published product:

  • Enter the detail view of the product.
  • Tap the ellipsis menu at the top-right of the screen.
  • Select Share.
  • Choose a sharing method from those offered (variety depends on apps installed on your device).

Bulk updating products

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The WooCommerce Mobile app allows you to bulk update the status and price of multiple products at once.

To bulk update products:

  • Enter the Products list view, and tap the checkbox icon at the top of the screen
  • Tap on the products you’d like to edit, then press Bulk update on the top-right
  • Tap on what you’d like to update: the status of the product (to Published, Draft, or Pending review) or the product’s price
  • Once changes are made, press Apply in the top-right
  • You’ll see a message appear when the changes have been successfully made
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The Menu tab is home to admin tasks, including switching stores, accessing your store’s WooCommerce Admin, your store view, reviews, and app settings. To access this view tap the Menu icon on the navigation bar at the bottom-right.

  • The Menu view is headed by the store details the app is currently connected to. The name and URL of the store are visible at a glance. The Switch store link will allow switching to another store
  • The Settings button at the top of this view leads to app Settings
  • Blaze – create Blaze Campaigns to get your products seen by millions
  • WooCommerce Admin – launches your WordPress Admin in an in-app browser to perform any tasks the app might not natively support. Click Done at the top-left to exit this view
  • View Store – launches the customer-facing view of your store in an in-app browser. Click Done at the top-left to exist this view
  • Coupons – create and manage your store’s coupons
  • Reviews – manage your product reviews
  • Customers– view information about any customer, including their number of orders, total spent, average order amount, and general location information

Creating, Viewing, and Editing Coupons

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Coupon management in the app is similar to that of your desktop site. To read more about how to manage coupons, check out this guide.

To view, edit, or create coupons, tap Menu > Settings > Coupons.

Viewing coupons

  • Once in the Coupons menu, search for the coupon you’d like to view or edit by pressing the Magnifying Glass icon in the top-right, or scroll and select a coupon
  • Once a coupon is selected, you’ll be able to see its status (active, draft, etc.), a summary of the discount (total discount amount, whether it adds free shipping, what products/ categories/ email addresses it applies to)
  • In the Performance section, you’re able to view how many orders the coupon has been applied to and the total discount associated with the coupon
  • To share a coupon, tap the ellipses menu on the top-right corner. Press Copy Code to copy the coupon’s discount code to your device’s clipboard, or press Share to bring up the standard iOS share menu

Creating Coupons

Once in the Coupons menu, click the + icon in the top-right corner to create a new coupon. Currently, the WooCommerce app allows you to create the three types of coupons that are in WooCommerce core:

  • Percentage discount – A percentage discount for selected products only. For example, if the cart contains three (3) t-shirts @ $20 each = $60, a coupon for 10% off applies a discount of $6.
  • Fixed cart discount – A fixed total discount for the entire cart. For example, if the cart contains three (3)  t-shirts @ $20 each = $60, a coupon for $10 off gives a discount of $10.
  • Fixed product discount – A fixed total discount for selected products only. Customers receive a set amount of discount per item. For example, three (3) t-shirts @ $20 each with a coupon for $10 off applies a discount of $30.

Once you select the type of coupon you want to create, fill out the necessary coupon information. If you have any questions about these fields, please check out this guide. After filling out the information, press Create at the bottom of the screen.

Editing coupons

To edit an existing coupon, select it from the Coupons menu.

Note: Currently, only core WooCommerce coupon types (Percentage discount, Fixed cart discount, and Fixed Product Discount) can be edited from the mobile app. Coupon types created by other extensions (Like WooCommerce Subscriptions, for example) cannot be edited from the app.

Once the coupon is selected:

  • Click the ellipses icon in the top-right corner, and choose Edit Coupon
  • Make all changes to the coupon. If you have any questions about these fields, check out this guide
  • Press Save at the very bottom when finished


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Settings can be found by navigating to Menu and tapping the Settings button at the top of the screen. From here, you’ll find the following settings and their respective functions:

  • Plugins – view a list of active plugins on the connected site.
  • WooCommerce – shows the active version of WooCommerce and if there’s an update available
  • Store Name – allows you to view and change the name of the store
  • Help & Support
    • Help Centre – links to WooCommerce documentation
    • Contact Support – submit a help request to WooCommerce Support
    • My Tickets – view your device-specific support history
    • Contact Email – configure the default email address the app will use
    • View Application Log – for debugging, the latest of which is sent when help is requested via My Tickets
    • System Status Report – drawn from the connected site, helpful as a site overview or to copy for support when requested
  • Experimental Features – a toggle to enable or disable available experimental features
  • Send Feedback – connects you to a form through which you can submit feedback or suggestions
  • Privacy Settings – toggle settings related to what info is collected and shared while using the app
  • About the App – WooCommerce Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Privacy Notice for California Users, app version, and Third-party License info.
  • Other – opens your iOS Device Settings
  • Log out – disconnect the currently connected WooCommerce store


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You can add the Today widget to your device’s home screen for quick access to your current day’s stats without opening the app. If you slide the screen to the left, you will find the iOS widgets. Then, you can long press on the widget area to search for the Today widget.


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If you can’t resolve problems yourself, please get in touch with the team in-app via the Contact Support button, as described above.

Frequently Asked Questions

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I’m logged in, but my store does not appear in the list to select. Why?

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It could be one of two reasons.

  • The list of available options displays only WordPress.com stores and self-hosted sites with WooCommerce and Jetpack plugins installed.
  • WooCommerce 3.5 or higher is required to be installed and activated on the site you’re trying to connect to. If a store does not meet this requirement, an Update to WooCommerce Required message will display.

How can I restart the application?

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If the WooCommerce app isn’t responding as you’d expect, you can quit it and reopen it to resolve the issue. To do so, swipe up from the phone’s bottom edge and pause halfway up the screen. Swipe left or right to find the WooCommerce app as necessary, and then flick the WooCommerce app up (and off) at the top of the screen. You can then restart the WooCommerce app by tapping on the application icon.

Have a question not listed here?

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Feel free to check out additional troubleshooting documentation located on this page.

Have a question before you download the app? Please fill out this contact form.

Questions and Feedback

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Already installed the app and need assistance? Reach out to the team in-app via the Contact Support setting as described above, or get in touch with a Happiness Engineer via the Help Desk.