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What’s new with Woo: April 2024

Written by Renzo Bojanovich on April 10, 2024 News, Product News, Sell Online.

Spring is blooming in many parts of the northern hemisphere, and there’s lots of new growth (read: updates) budding in the WooCommerce world! Given our open source status, the cross-pollination of ideas between our team and our community always produces colorful results.

We’re excited to share this lovely bouquet of newness, meticulously arranged just for you.

I think that’s all the extended metaphor I have to offer. Please leave any missed opportunities in the comments.

What’s new in WooCommerce 

Order attribution

It’s a question asked by businesses of every size: you’ve made a sale, but which of your efforts converted the customer?

With order attribution tracking now available on WooCommerce, a better understanding of your customers is at your fingertips. Learn which of your marketing efforts turned your prospects into customers: this feature makes use of a last-click attribution model, which gives 100% of the conversion credit to the last interaction before a customer lands on your site.

With WooCommerce 8.5, order attribution tracking is available on all WooCommerce stores and is enabled by default. You can enable or disable this feature by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Features > Order Attribution.

Learn more about order attribution tracking for your store.  

New style for the Product Details block 

Released on February 16, WooCommerce 8.6 introduced a new block style for the Product Details block. This new style provides an improved design on the default product page and is mobile-friendly.

product details box for a pair of sunglasses

WooCommerce Developer Documentation 

The WooCommerce developer documentation is a new resource designed to help developers create outstanding Woo stores, build extensions or themes, and contribute directly to WooCommerce’s opensource code. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey with WooCommerce, you’ll find essential guides and resources tailored to meet your needs.

the redesigned WooCommerce developer documentation

WooCommerce Blocks now included in WooCommerce

Everyone loves plugin consolidation, right? The WooCommerce Blocks plugin has been merged into the WooCommerce plugin. This means that blocks specific to WooCommerce now come out-of-the-box, and no longer require a separate plugin installed on your site. 

New block feature releases will be included in WooCommerce releases moving forward. 

New WooCommerce commands in the Command Palette

We added several WooCommerce-specific commands to the Command Palette with the goal to speed up your workflow when managing your store. Those include commands to create products and orders, navigate to specific product pages, or view certain analytics reports or settings pages.

Block-based checkout

The future of checkout customization is here, and it is code-free. 

Block-based checkout is our new building experience that provides the tools you need to create a frictionless, fully customized checkout flow — no coding required. Streamline your customers’ journeys from cart to purchase with a checkout optimized for conversion.

This feature streamlines the purchase flow with clearly defined steps and no unnecessary points of friction. Block-based checkout also features instant field validation, express payment options, and integration with WooPayments.

Learn more about how block-based checkout works on WooCommerce.

More Woo happenings

Meet eCreations, a Platinum-certified WooExpert Agency

eCreations specializes in website design, WordPress development, and digital marketing. They offer comprehensive analysis, audits, solutions, and website maintenance to fit their clients’ needs. 

Get in touch with eCreations to learn more.

Inspry Media promoted to a Silver-certified WooExpert Agency

Inspry Media is an expert in WooCommerce design, development, and maintenance, and have worked with Woo and WordPress since 2011. Inspry also offers custom plugins, API integration, AI solutions, optimized hosting, and more.

Get in touch with Inspry Media to learn more.

WooCommerce and Klaviyo: Watch the webinar replay

In a joint webinar with Klaviyo’s director of content strategy, Woo’s Jessie Sigler chatted through planning strategies for email marketing. The webinar shows how to use the personalization features within Klaviyo that help businesses exceed customer expectations and stand out from the competition.

Watch the webinar replay on BigMarker today.

A complete guide to email marketing

Email marketing is a direct line to your most loyal fans and an essential channel for any online store. So, we put together a comprehensive guide on all things email marketing for ecommerce — including types of email campaigns, examples of great emails, campaign planning tips, and more.

Whether you’re new to email marketing or just need some fresh ideas, this guide is your launchpad to email marketing success.

Read the email marketing guide on the WooCommerce blog.

New on the blog: customer stories, more multichannel, and store security

Dan-O’s multichannel success with TikTok and Woo

We chatted with Dan-O’s Seasoning, a massively popular U.S. seasoning brand and frequently viral TikTok recipe creator, about all the things they’re doing to reach new audiences and expand their distribution. Previously on Shopify, Dan-O’s move to Woo helps them test and launch new products before committing to full retail distribution.

How Peace Coffee brewed success with WooCommerce and Avalara

When Peace Coffee expanded from local to nationwide selling, they needed a solution for the complex taxes that came with it. We sat down (virtually!) with folks from Peace Coffee and Avalara to learn more about everything that’s turned Peace Coffee into a national brand.

Ready to grow? It’s time to build your multichannel strategy

If you’re ready to open your store to new customers and markets, this guide will help you decide where to focus your efforts. Choosing the right platform for your business will help you reach your ideal customers and enable you to meet (or exceed!) their expectations.

Multichannel: What is an ecommerce aggregator?

If you’re looking to expand your reach into new markets — without a significant increase in your marketing spend and efforts — adopting an ecommerce aggregator might be a great strategy for you. This article explores what aggregators are, how they work, and includes expert input from several of Woo’s multichannel extension developers.

Ecommerce security checklist: 15 steps to secure your online store

Everyone wants their site to be safe, but it’s even more important for ecommerce stores that deal with personal details and financial data. The good news is that WooCommerce provides built-in ecommerce security features. That said, your customers and business deserves more than the bare minimum. Read through this guide to understand how you can add more protection to your store.

Woo in the news

Maximize merchant success with multiple payment options

Woo’s Keala Gaines recently contributed an article to, a South African ecommerce publication. In the article, Keala discusses the benefits and importance of offering a variety of payment options for customers to choose from. “Keep ahead of the curve and add the payment tools they’re looking for today,” she notes.

Read the full article here.

New in the WooCommerce Marketplace

Airwallex Payments

Boost international sales and save on foreign exchange fees with Airwallex Payments. Accept payments from global cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and over 60 local payment methods. Airwallex is compatible with Woo Subscriptions and is available in select countries across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Get started with Airwallex.

Bookix Theme

Bookix is a responsive new theme that turns your store into a literary haven for book lovers. The theme offers a variety of homepage layouts, allowing you to tailor your customer experience to your preferences.

Design your online bookshop with ease.

Dintero Checkout

Accept major debit and credit cards; buy now, pay later; and local payment methods with Dintero Checkout. Dinero is an all-in-one solution that helps stores boost conversions and provide a user-friendly checkout. Dintero is adaptable for both B2C and B2B customers. Dintero is available for store owners and merchants in Norway and Sweden.

Get started with Dintero Checkout.

License Manager for WooCommerce

Automate your software license management with License Manager for WooCommerce. The extension uses the WordPress REST API to activate, deactivate, and verify licenses. Migration to License Manager is made easy with the ability to import license keys via CSV files.

Increase operational efficiency with License Manager for WooCommerce.

M2E Multichannel Connect

M2E’s Multichannel Connect streamlines your channel management efforts. This extension allows Woo store owners to integrate and synchronize product catalogs with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, with more coming later in 2024.

Build and grow your multichannel strategy with M2E.

Pizzeria Theme

Pizzeria is the WooCommerce theme designed specifically for fast food and restaurant businesses. This theme is block-pattern friendly, allowing for easy customization and responsive, mobile-friendly design.

Serve up customer satisfaction with the Pizzeria theme.

Price on Request & Quote

Save time and effort responding to pricing requests with smart automation via Price on Request & Quote. This extension allows you to automatically send quotes as PDFs, create follow-up reminder emails, and negotiate with customers through live chat.

Convert quotes into sales with Price on Request.

Pick List

Streamline your order management with Pick List’s intuitive interface and flexible configuration. Pick List’s features include barcode and QR code integration, mobile-first design, automated real-time order tracking, multi-language support, and more. 

Embrace efficiency with Pick List.

The SEO Framework

Take the guesswork out of SEO with The SEO Framework. This extension offers intuitive, automatic suggestions to improve your product listings’ findability. Drive more organic traffic with a single-page sitemap and fine-tuned metadata, all without needing SEO expertise. 

Improve your product rankings with The SEO Framework.

Smart Social Proof & FOMO

Show off and create demand on your store with Smart Social Proof & FOMO (fear of missing out). This extension allows you to display recent sales notifications, showcase limited-time offers, display customer reviews and live viewer count, show countdown timers and low-stock numbers, and more.

Inspire more sales with Smart Social Proof. Standard Checkout

Integrate the payment gateway with your WooCommerce store for a seamless solution for near-instant access to your earnings. Standard Checkout is easy to set up and has no monthly fees or hidden costs. This extension is available to select countries across Europe and in the U.K.

Cash out earlier with Standard Checkout.

Yoast SEO WooCommerce Premium Bundle

Save time and make your products stand out in search results with new AI features in the Yoast SEO Premium Bundle. Quickly write product titles and descriptions using generative AI, optimize your site data for search, and stand out from the crowd with attention-grabbing social cards.

Drive more traffic to your store with Yoast.

More newness from the Marketplace

Last on our list, a speedround overview of other product updates and media mentions:

  • The Woo Marketplace: The Marketplace itself has a fresh new look for a simplified experience with smoother browsing and discovery.
  • Enhanced Cloudflare Turnstile: Block spam, stop fake orders, verify real users, and keep your customer data safe.
  • Highline theme: Craft a captivating and customer-focused luxury clothing store with Highline, an elegant new block theme.  

Until next time

Thanks for reading this edition of the What’s New with Woo blog series! We’ll be back before you know it with the next edition. Do you have any questions about the highlighted updates? Let us know in the comments.

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