New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Change to Use Terms and Privacy Policy – December 2020

What has changed?

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As of January 1, 2021, your agreement (the WooCommerce Use Terms) will be merged into the Terms of Service, and the company responsible for your personal information (as mentioned in our Privacy Policy) will change.  Also, as per the same date, agreements with Prospress (AutomateWoo) will be merged into the Terms of Service. AutomateWoo is owned by Automattic, the company that makes WooCommerce and We’re retiring the separate Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for AutomateWoo to keep things straight forward across all of Automattic’s sites and services and wanted to let you know ahead of the switch in case you’re interested in what changes and why. Further, as of January 1, 2021, we are doing some corporate housekeeping, which will change the company responsible for your personal information (as mentioned in our Privacy Policy). If you reside in Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, and any countries located in Europe (including the UK and the ROI), your agreement will be with WooCommerce Ireland Ltd., which will be the primary controller of your personal information. If you reside anywhere else, it’s WooCommerce Inc. that you will contract with and that will be responsible for your personal information.

How does this affect me as a user?

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The agreement, our Privacy Policy, and our services haven’t changed — this is purely corporate housekeeping to make things simpler (for us). The original parent company of WooCommerce joined the Automattic family a few years ago, and these changes help finalize that. You may already be familiar with these entities if you have a account or have read through our Privacy Policy. The same applies for AutomateWoo’s parent company Prospress that joined the Automattic family last year.

What do I need to do?

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Nothing – it’s business as usual, and your store and account remain unaffected.


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How do I know my personal information is secure?

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Privacy is critically important to us. For details of how we collect and store personal information, see our Privacy Policy. Although we’ve updated our policies, our core values remain unchanged: We strive to be fully transparent. We help protect our users from overreaching government demands for information. We keep the data we have a reason to keep. And we are thoughtful about how we collect, use, and share personal information. If you continue to use our services on or after January 1, 2021 you acknowledge that your use will be subject to our new Terms and Privacy Policy.

Why is the AutomateWoo service agreement merged into the one?

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As you may already know, Prospress (including AutomateWoo) joined the Automattic family last year, and these updates help formalize that relationship. We strive to be transparent with our customers about what they are agreeing to when they use our services and how we are handling their personal data. Streamlining our policies means you only have to read one set of terms and one privacy policy, which makes it easier for you to understand what you are signing up for.

I can’t access my account

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To access a account, log in with your connected account credentials. For further assistance with your account, please contact us.

How do I unsubscribe from these emails?

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Please note that it’s not possible to unsubscribe from important emails about our relationship or our transactions (like the one you just received) as long as you have a account. To unsubscribe from marketing emails, please click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing message you’ve received.

I’d like to close my account

↑ Back to top accounts are accessed via a login. For more information on how to close a account, visit the Close My Account documentation. You can close your account here.
  • If you want to keep your account, but delete your account, please contact us
  • If you are unable to access your account, please contact us to help delete your account.