
Learn how to set up, customize, and expand the functionality of WooCommerce

5. Shipping



  • Consider shipping before you start

    Considering shipping before you start is important for setting up shipping correctly before taking orders in your WooCommerce store. If you are new to WooCommerce, we recommend taking some time to answer the following questions.

  • Setting up Shipping Zones

    If you sell physical products on your WooCommerce store, you need to configure shipping zones. Shipping Zones are the foundation for all (and most) shipping options/configurations in WooCommerce. How you configure your shipping zones determines the shipping options and rates customers see on the cart/checkout pages. This page outlines three steps to configure shipping zones […]

  • Online Shipping Calculators & Debug Mode

    If shipping costs provided by your WooCommerce installation are higher or lower than what you expect, we recommend enabling the debug mode within the shipping plugin settings section that you are using. Once this option is enabled, add a product to cart and in most cases you will see useful information on the cart page […]

  • Understanding Box Packing Calculations

    In some of our premium shipping methods — such as USPS, UPS, and FedEx — the boxes used to ship are automatically calculated based on dimensions of items in the customer’s cart. This page details how shipping calculators work and ways you can ensure proper setup and calculation. Product Dimensions vs. Shipping Dimensions The most important part of […]

  • Product Shipping Classes

    Shipping classes utilize a product classification system to group products of similar type (e.g. bulky products or small items). Shipping classes work with shipping methods, such as Flat Rate Shipping, to provide different rates to different classes or types of products. For example, with shipping classes and Flat Rate Shipping, it’s possible to create different […]