
Learn how to set up, customize, and expand the functionality of WooCommerce

3. Set up products



  • Product CSV Importer and Exporter

    WooCommerce has a built-in product CSV importer and exporter. You can import new products, export products, or even update hundreds or thousands of products in bulk in your WooCommerce store with a single CSV. This tool supports most product types, including variations. Locate the Import / Export Tool To get started importing or exporing products […]

  • Checkout

    The WooCommerce Customizer has a few settings to change the appearance of the default WooCommerce checkout. If you are using the checkout shortcode you can set whether certain fields on the checkout form are required or optional. If you are using the Checkout Block (default for all new WooCommerce installs), you’ll see a link directing […]

  • Adding Product Images and Galleries

    Product images and galleries are used to showcase your products to customers. Images build customer confidence, make the product presentation visually appealing, and help to drive sales by enticing visitors in external locations like search engines and social media where the images are displayed. On this page you’ll learn: Types of product images Images are […]

  • Product Shipping Classes

    Shipping classes utilize a product classification system to group products of similar type (e.g. bulky products or small items). Shipping classes work with shipping methods, such as Flat Rate Shipping, to provide different rates to different classes or types of products. For example, with shipping classes and Flat Rate Shipping, it’s possible to create different […]

  • WooCommerce Customizer — Manage Store Notice, Catalog View, and Product Images

    WooCommerce Customizer is part of WordPress > Customize and makes it possible to select options that apply site-wide for Store Notice, Product Catalog, and Product Images without touching any code. Where to find WooCommerce Customizer options From the WordPress dashboard, go to: Appearance > Customize. Next, in the Customize navigation menu, select WooCommerce: Configuration Options […]

  • Product Catalog

    The WooCommerce Customizer allows you to set the general configuration of your product catalog. This page explains: To edit the product catalog settings, navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog. The next few sections of this page will explain each of these settings in more detail. Shop Page Your Shop Page can […]

  • Product Page and Product Images

    The WooCommerce Customizer includes a couple different display settings for the Product Page and Product images. On this page you’ll learn how to: Product Page The WooCommerce Customizer lets you choose how to display product pages. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Page, and you’ll find two display options for the product […]

  • Store Notice

    The Store Notice menu in the WooCommerce customizer allows you to enter a site-wide message shown to everyone visiting your store. The message can be: On this page you’ll learn how to: Adding a Store Notice  To add and display a store notice to your customers, follow these steps: Schedule a Store Notice  Using the Schedule option […]

  • Bulk Editing Products

    Much like WordPress’ other post types that let you assign categories, tags or post statuses en masse, WooCommerce products also have a bulk editing feature. This document covers the bulk editing options for WooCommerce products accessible from the Products list screen. Refer to built-in product CSV importer and exporter for an alternative bulk edit approach […]

  • Custom Fields on Products

    WooCommerce offers the capability to enhance your product listings with custom fields, a feature that allows you to display additional product details to customers. Custom fields are additional metadata of your products, which can be utilized in various ways within your theme or site to display extra information, tailor the shopping experience, or provide specific […]