We have added a new enhancement in v.2.12.0, where you can offer the payment gateway fees/discounts based on the shipping method.
How does this work?
↑ Back to topWhen you install and activate the plugin, default payment gateways will be displayed as pages under Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts tab. The settings for all payment gateways are the same which are displayed under each of these payment gateway pages.

We will discuss the Shipping Methods option for Direct bank transfer payment gateway in this post. For all other payment gateway, this setting works the same way as Direct bank transfer option discussed in this post.
So let us understand in detail how you can use theShipping Methods setting for Direct bank transfer.
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts -> Direct bank transfer page.
You can find Shipping Methods setting within the Fee section.
Shipping Methods
In this setting you will be able to add shipping methods to the Shipping Methods to include and Shipping Methods to exclude lists. When a shipping method which is also added to the Shipping Methods to include list is selected by the customer, then the Bank Transfer Discount will be applicable at Checkout. Whereas if shipping method which is added to the Shipping Methods to exclude list is selected by the customer then Bank Transfer Discount will not be applied.
Example – Say you add shipping methods – India-Flat rate and India-Local pickup in Shipping Methods to include field and add shipping method – India-Free shipping in Shipping Methods to exclude field.

So when customer selects Flat rate or Local pickup shipping method, the Bank Transfer Discount will be applicable on the Checkout page.

Now if customer selects Free shipping shipping method, Bank Transfer Discount is not applicable.

By default, this option is blank and is not considered.