Deals and Promotional Offers

Setup and Configuration

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Customization Settings:

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1) Popup Settings:

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You can customize the following popup options:

  • Maximum popups: Control the maximum popups that should be displayed to a customer. In case of multiple offers, you can control the maximum offers to be displayed to avoid bad user experience.
  • Popup height, width, padding and Background: You can customize popup height, width, padding and background. By default the extension assigns an auto height and width as per the content needs.


2) Acceptance Button 

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You can fully customize the acceptance button through the following settings: 

  • Add Button Text: Add custom acceptance button text
  • Accept All Offer Text: Add a custom all product offer acceptance button text
  • Button Text Color: Choose a color for the button text 
  • Button Background Color: Choose a background color for the acceptance button 
  • Button Border Radius: Choose the button border radius for the acceptance button 

3) Countdown Timer 

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You can showcase an intuitive timer and customize its appearance through the following settings: 

  • Upcoming Sale Message: Add a custom message, e.g., “Sale starts in!”
  • Counter Digit Color: Choose counter digit color
  • Counter Text Color: Choose counter text color
  • Counter Background Color: Choose a timer background color
  • Counter border: Add counter border in pixels (px)
  • Counter border color: Choose the counter border color

4) Deals Listing Page:

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You list all of your deals on separate page using the following [addify_deals_listing] shortcode.  Customize the text for the following section headings of your deals listing page.  

  • Bundle Offer Heading: Add text for the bundle offer heading 
  • Product Offer Heading: Add text for the product offer heading

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.