Direct Checkout & Quick Cart View for WooCommerce

Allow customers to place orders quickly without leaving the page, featuring both centered popup and side cart.

Setup and Installation

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  • Download the .zip file for Direct Checkout & Quick Cart View for WooCommerce.
  • Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New
  • Now, Upload the file you downloaded with Choose File
  • Install and Activate the extension.

More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.


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To access the Fast Cart & Checkout plugin settings, go to WooCommerce Settings Direct Checkout General Settings in your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Here, you will find the following Settings

General Settings

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  1. Enable/Disable
  2. Select Layout:
    • Side Cart: Displays the cart as a sleek side panel.
    • Centered Popup: Displays the cart as a centered modal popup
  3. Automatically Open Cart: By choosing this option, the cart popup will automatically open when a product is added to the cart.
  4. Allow Checkout: Enabling this option will automatically open the checkout page in the popup when customers add a product to their cart.
  5. Skip the Cart: This option will skip the cart and open checkout directly in centered popup/side cart.
  6. Hide on Mobile: This option will hide the fast cart & checkout on mobile devices.
  7. Popup Animation: Select cart & checkout popup animation (Simple, Slide-in, Zoom, Fade).
  8. Cart Button Style: Choose cart button style (Icon only, Text only, Icons & Text).
  9. Cart Button Text: Add a text to display with/without a cart icon.
  10. Cart Icon Position: Choose cart icon position (Hidden, Top, Bottom, Center).
  11. Replace Cart Page: This will replace traditional cart page with customized cart popup of this plugin.
  12. Replace Checkout Page: This option will replace the traditional checkout page with customized checkout popup of this plugin.

Display/Hide Cart Contents

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Go to WooCommerce Settings Direct Checkout Cart Contents in your WordPress Admin

Here, you can choose the following content to display or hide on the cart popup.

  1. Product Quantity Pickers: Allow customers to adjust product quantities directly from the cart.
  2. Product Prices: Display the price of each item in the cart.
  3. Product Subtotals: Show the subtotal for each individual product.
  4. Order Subtotals: Display the total cost of all items in the cart, excluding
    shipping and taxes.
  5. Product Images: Include product images in the cart for visual reference.
  6. Delete Buttons: Provide customers with the option to remove items from the
  7. Shipping Information: Display estimated shipping costs and delivery
  8. Continue Shopping Button: Allow customers to return to the product pages to
    add more items.
  9. Coupon Codes: Enable customers to apply discount codes to their order.
  10. Product Recommendations: Suggest additional products that customers may
    be interested in purchasing.

Cart Customization & Colors

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Go to WooCommerce Settings Direct Checkout Customization & Colors in your WordPress
Admin Dashboard.

Here you can customize the colors of cart icon, and content displayed on the cart.

  1. Cart Icon Color: Customize the color of the cart icon.
  2. Cart Button Background: Customize the background color of the cart button.
  3. “Continue Shopping” Button Color: Customize the text color of the “Continue
    Shopping” button.
  4. “Continue Shopping” Button Background Color: Customize the background color of
    the “Continue Shopping” button.
  5. Cart Count Text Color: Customize the color of the item count in the cart icon.
  6. Cart Count Background: Customize the background color of the item count in the cart
  7. Cart Button Border Radius: Customize the roundedness of the cart button’s corners.
  8. Checkout Button Text Color: Customize the text color of the checkout button.
  9. Checkout Button Background: Customize the background color of the checkout button.
  10. Cart Popup Overlay Color: Customize the background color of the cart popup