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Conditional Shipping Rates

Conditional Shipping Rates allows you to design advanced and dynamic shipping rules, making it easy to tailor shipping options for your store and ensure smooth delivery worldwide.

This plugin lets you set up multiple shipping rates based on product destination, define various rates for each zone, and create rules using product weight, dimensions, item count, shipping class, and price. Additionally, it supports formula-based shipping rates, enabling you to calculate costs dynamically with custom formulas for rows and items.

Setup and Installation

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Install the Plugin:

Purchase the product from
Download the ZIP file from your dashboard
Navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded
Click on Upload Plugin and select the ZIP file.
Click Install Now and wait for the installation to complete.

Activate the Plugin:
After installation, click Activate to enable the Conditional Shipping Rates plugin on your site.

More information at Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Configuration Instructions:
1- In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
2- Click on the shipping zone for which you want to set Conditional Shipping Rates.
3- On that shipping zone click on Add Shipping Method button and choose Conditional Shipping Rates on shipping methods popup.
4- Configure the Rates and Conditions for shipping methods accordingly

How Conditional Shipping Rates works

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When customers proceed to checkout, the plugin evaluates the destination of the items in their cart and applies the conditional shipping rates you’ve configured to calculate the total shipping cost. Each destination can have its own unique rules or multiple sets of rules, designed to meet your specific shipping needs.

To ensure accurate shipping calculations, you’ll need to set up shipping zones and shipping rules. Once these are configured, the plugin will handle all the necessary calculations automatically, simplifying the process for you.

Setting up conditional shipping rates effectively requires some planning. Before you begin using the plugin, make sure to:

  • Create Shipping Classes: If different classes of products require distinct rules, set up shipping classes accordingly.
  • Define Shipping Zones: Determine and configure the regions or zones you’ll be shipping to.
  • Obtain Shipping Rates: Gather shipping rates from your preferred courier to establish how you want to charge customers.

With thoughtful preparation, you’ll unlock the full potential of Conditional and Formula-Based Shipping Rates, making your shipping process both efficient and customizable

Setup and Configuration

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Shipping Classes

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Shipping classes help categorize products with similar shipping requirements. For example, you could create a shipping class called ‘Lightweight’ for items such as greeting cards and posters, and a ‘Bulky’ class for larger products like framed artwork or photo albums. Grouping products with comparable characteristics makes it easier to apply consistent and relevant shipping rules.

The Conditional and Formula-Based Shipping Rates plugin allows you to set up comprehensive rate tables tailored to each shipping class, providing flexibility to match your store’s specific needs.

To learn how to configure shipping classes, refer to the Product Shipping Classes section in this documentation.

Shipping Zones

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Assign this shipping method to a shipping zone for it to work effectively. If you haven’t set up your shipping zones yet, we recommend reviewing the Setting Up Shipping Zones guide before proceeding.

How to Add the Shipping Method to a Shipping Zone:
1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones in your WordPress dashboard.

conditional formula based shipping configuration

2. Find/Create the shipping zone where you want to enable this method and click the Edit button.

conditional formula based shipping zone

3. Within the shipping zone settings, click the Add Shipping Method button.

Add conditional formula based shipping

4. From the list of available methods, select Conditional Shipping Rates and click the Continue button to finalize the addition.

choose conditional formula based shipping

To configure the settings for a shipping method, click the Edit button located on the right side of the Shipping Methods table within the selected shipping zone. The following options are available for customization:

  • Method Title: The name of the shipping method displayed to customers during checkout. For example, you can label methods as ‘Express Delivery’ or ‘Standard Shipping’ if you offer multiple options within a zone.
  • Tax Status: Specify if the shipping charges include taxes. Options include taxable or non-taxable.
  • Handling Fee: Add an optional handling fee as a fixed amount (e.g., 3.00) or leave it blank if no fee applies.
  • Minimum Shipping Cost: Set a minimum charge for the shipping method. For instance, if the calculated total is below this amount, the shipping cost will automatically adjust to meet the minimum threshold.
  • Maximum Shipping Cost: Define a maximum charge for the shipping method. If the calculated total exceeds this amount, it will cap at the specified maximum cost.
conditional formula based shipping rates

Rates Settings

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conditional formula based shipping rates calculations type

Calculation Type: This option determines how the plugin calculates shipping costs for the customer’s cart. You can choose one of the following methods:

  • Per Order: This calculates shipping based on the entire order. Each condition defined in the rules generates a separate shipping option at checkout. For example, if you create two conditions—one for express delivery and another for standard delivery—both options will appear for the customer to select, and their costs will apply to the order as a whole.
  • Per Item: This calculates shipping for each individual product in the cart. The shipping cost is determined by the price assigned to each item (or row) in the cart. For instance, if a customer has three items with different shipping costs (e.g., $5, $7, and $10), the plugin will calculate shipping for each item separately and combine them for the total.
  • Per Line Item: This calculates shipping based on the quantity of items within each product line in the cart. For example, if a customer purchases three units of Product A and two units of Product B, the shipping cost for each line item is calculated by multiplying the shipping cost for that product by its quantity (e.g., $4 per unit of Product A x 3 = $12; $3 per unit of Product B x 2 = $6). The final shipping cost is the sum of all line item calculations.

By selecting the appropriate calculation type, you can ensure your shipping charges are applied in a way that aligns with your store’s needs and pricing structure.

Adding Rates

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Once you’ve decided how rates will be calculated, it’s time to start defining them. The plugin will evaluate items in the customer’s cart against the table of rates you configure to determine shipping costs. Here’s how to set up the key elements:

Shipping Class

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Select the shipping class to which the rate will apply. You can choose to:

  • Apply the rate to a specific shipping class.
  • Apply the rate to items in any shipping class.
  • Apply the rate to items with no shipping class.


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This column defines the product information the plugin will use to calculate rates. You can choose from the following conditions:

  • None: No product information is used to calculate the shipping total.
  • Weight: Shipping is calculated based on the total weight of items in the cart.
  • Length: Shipping is calculated based on the length of the items.
  • Width: Shipping is calculated based on the width of the items.
  • Height: Shipping is calculated based on the height of the items.
  • Price: Shipping is calculated based on the total price of the items.
  • Items Count: Shipping is calculated based on the number of individual items in the cart.

Note: The calculation type selected in the Calculation Type drop down affects how these conditions are applied.


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Set the minimum and maximum thresholds for the chosen condition. These thresholds determine when specific rates apply:

  • Price: Define the minimum and maximum total price for the items.
  • Weight: Define the minimum and maximum weight for the items.
  • Length: Define the minimum and maximum length for the items.
  • Width: Define the minimum and maximum width for the items.
  • Height: Define the minimum and maximum height for the items.
  • Items Count: Define the minimum and maximum quantity of individual items. For example, you could set one rate for 1–30 items and a different rate for 31+ items.

Note: The weight, length, width and height unit is configured in WooCommerce > Settings > Products.

By configuring these settings, you can create a flexible and customized shipping structure that meets your store’s unique requirements


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When you enable this option, you’re instructing the plugin to stop further calculations if it reaches this specific row in the table. In essence, this acts as a ‘break’ in the calculation process, ensuring no additional rows or rules are evaluated after this point.

Row Cost

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This is the base cost for shipping the specified item. It can encompass additional expenses, such as packaging costs or handling fees. Additionally, you can use arithmetic formulas to dynamically calculate this cost. These formulas can incorporate the shortcodes provided below the table, allowing you to tailor the cost based on specific conditions or values dynamically.

Item Cost

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This represents the cost applied to each individual item in the cart, added on top of other shipping charges. You can also define this cost using arithmetic formulas for dynamic calculations. These formulas can incorporate the shortcodes listed below the table, enabling you to calculate item costs based on specific criteria or variables.

% Cost

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This refers to the percentage of the total value of the items in the cart that should be used to calculate the shipping cost. It allows you to base the shipping charge proportionally on the total cart value


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When creating a per order table of rates, you can assign a unique label to each individual rate. This label helps identify and display the specific rate to customers during checkout


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You can delete a specific shipping row by clicking the trash icon. This allows you to quickly remove any unnecessary or outdated shipping rules from the table.


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Once you’ve configured the rates, you can define specific conditions to determine when this shipping method should be displayed to the customer. If the conditions set below are met, the shipping method will be available to the customer. Otherwise, it will not be shown, ensuring only relevant options are presented based on the configured criteria.

Conditional Shipping Rates Conditions

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When configuring conditions, you have three key components to define: Condition Basis, Condition Logic, and Value.

Condition Basis

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Select the parameter on which the condition will be applied. This determines what aspect of the cart or user data the condition should evaluate. Options include:

  • Cart Item Count: Compares the total number of items in the cart.
  • Weight: Compares the combined weight of all items in the cart.
  • Length: Evaluates the total length of all items in the cart.
  • Width: Compares the overall width of all cart items.
  • Height: Checks the combined height of items in the cart.
  • Cart Subtotal: Compares the cart’s subtotal amount.
  • Categories: Matches product categories in the cart against the specified condition.
  • Products: Verifies if specific products in the cart meet the condition.
  • User Role: Evaluates the user’s role to determine eligibility.
  • Coupon Code: Checks whether a specific coupon code is applied to the cart.

Condition Logic

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Choose the logical operator for comparison. Operators are shown on the basis of value selected in Condition Basis section.

For Cart Item Count, Weight, Length, Width, Height, Subtotal:
is Equal to: Compares if the value equals the specified number.
is Not Equal to: Compares if the value does not equal the specified number.
Greater Than: Checks if the value is greater than the specified number.
Less Than: Checks if the value is less than the specified number.

For Categories:
Cart Contains Category: Checks if the cart contains at least one product from the specified category.
Minimum 1 Item Not From This Category: Verifies if there is at least one product in the cart that does not belong to the specified category.
All Items Should Contain Category: Ensures all products in the cart belong to the specified category.
No Item Contains Category: Ensures the cart does not contain any product from the specified category.

For Products:
is In the Cart: Confirms if the specified product is in the cart.
is Not in the Cart: Confirms if the specified product is not in the cart.

For User Roles:
is Equal to: Check if the current users role is equal or with in the roles selected.
is Not Equal to: Check if the current users role is not equal or not with in the roles selected.

For Coupon Code:
is Equal to: Check if the coupon code applied is equals to the specified coupon.
is Not Equal to: Check if the coupon code applied is not equals to the specified coupon.
Any Coupon Applied: Checks if any coupon code has been applied to the cart.
No Coupon Applied: Confirms that no coupon code is applied to the cart.


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Set the value to be compared against the selected parameter. For instance, you might configure the condition to check if the cart subtotal exceeds a certain amount or if the cart contains more than a specific number of items.

These flexible conditions allow you to tailor shipping methods to match specific cart or user attributes, ensuring precision and relevance.

Thank you for choosing Conditional Shipping Rates! We wish you the best of luck with your sales and hope that our plugin helps you optimize your WooCommerce store’s shipping strategies and improve customer satisfaction. If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out by creating a ticket. Best of luck with your business!