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Smart Coupons


  • Different ways to restrict gift cards

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers, extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This document explains the different ways a gift card can be restricted. Create gift cards for order status Imagine you want to generate the gift card only when the order status has […]

  • Doc moved

    This doc is moved here.

  • How to auto apply coupons

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This documentation explains how to set up ‘auto-apply coupons’ using the Smart Coupons plugin, eliminating the need for users to enter or copy-paste coupon codes! You can auto-apply or forcefully apply a […]

  • How to auto-generate coupons (using shortcode)

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how you can use Smart Coupons shortcode to either display a coupon or auto-generate & display a coupon for logged in users. Smart Coupons shortcodes have many features […]

  • How to autocomplete gift card order status

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc explains how you can mark gift card order status from processing to completed automatically and also what to do if you want to keep the order status as processing. Smart […]

  • How to block emails/domains from applying the coupon

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc explains how to block emails from using a coupon. That’s it!

  • How to bulk generate coupons (WooCommerce coupon generator)

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons, you can generate coupon codes in bulk with all the necessary options required for a coupon. It can be a discount coupon, […]

  • How to categorize coupons

    Smart Coupons provides a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift certificates, store credits, discount coupons and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how you can categorize coupons using Smart Coupons. When a store is being run for quite some time, you get a pretty long list of coupons on the […]

  • How to change coupon page URL/endpoint in My Account

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how using Smart Coupons you can change the URL of the page on which all the available coupons are shown. Changing coupon page URL in My Account By […]

  • How to change the coupon expiry date format displayed on the website

    Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons. This doc article explains how to change the coupon expiry date format on your WooCommerce store. Currently, Smart Coupons uses the date format of the website that is set under the menu […]