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  2. Use Case: Apply Updated Subscription Prices to Existing Subscribers

Use Case: Apply Updated Subscription Prices to Existing Subscribers


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You’ve set up your shop and are pleased with how well your weekly meal prep subscriptions are selling. Recently, you’ve noticed that the ingredients you used have increased in price, cutting into your profiles. You don’t want to offer inferior products or cut corners to lower cost and have decided to increase the price of your meal prep subscriptions.

You want the new cost to be applied to all new and active subscriptions. By default, all existing subscriptions will continue to be charged the old price by default. 

Below, we’ve covered four different methods that outline how you can make sure existing subscribers are charged the updated price on their next renewal.


  1. The WooCommerce plugin
  2. WooCommerce Subscriptions This extension allows subscription management capabilities to WooCommerce, allowing store owners to offer and manage recurring payments for their products.

Optional – Each method will be covered in detail below

  1. Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions 
  2. Bulk Updater for WooCommerce Subscriptions 
  3. AutomateWoo 

Method One: Manually Update Existing Active Subscriptions

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  1. Go to WooCommerce > Subscriptions.
  2. Click the ID of the subscription you want to change to open the Edit Subscriptions screen.
  3. If you want to change an existing product, shipping or fee line’s total:
    • Select the pencil icon next to the line item you want to change
    • Change the amount
    • Save
  1. If you want to add a new tax, follow the instructions in guide to add taxes.
  2. Click Calculate taxes.
  3. Click Calculate totals.
  4. Update.
  5. Repeat the steps for each active subscription. 

Note: For subscriptions using a payment method that supports automatic renewals, some or none of the subscription’s billing schedule and recurring totals may be editable.

Method Two: Updating Subscription Prices with Bulk Updater for WooCommerce Subscriptions 


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  1. Install and activate the Bulk Updater for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.


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     1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Subscriptions.

  1. Choose the Update subscription price and notify option from the Bulk Action.

3. Select the Active/On hold Subscriptions that apply to update the new price for the existing subscriptions.

4. You will see a notification asking if to confirm your selection. Click ok. 

5. Customers will be notified instantly when the subscription price is updated. 

Note: This price change will be reflected only for the upcoming subscription renewals. If the subscription is placed using Auto Renewal, then new price will be updated only if the payment gateway supports “amount change” subscription feature.

Method Three: Updating Subscription Prices with Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions 


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  1. Install and activate the Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions 


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  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Subscriptions > Renewal.
  2. Select New Subscription Price in the Subscription Price for Old Subscriptions option dropdown.

If you want to notify the old subscribers regarding the price update before specific days of renewal, then in Notify Subscription Price Changes for Old Subscriptions option, set before how many days before the subscription renewal date, email has to be sent.

Method Four: Updating Subscription Prices with AutomateWoo

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  1. Install and activate AutomateWoo 

A detailed overview of how to use AutomateWoo to update subscription prices for active users can be found here. They include:

  • Updating subscription renewal prices when the customer pays for their next subscription

In this case, the customer will renew once at the old price, and future subscriptions will renew at the updated price. 

This is a good option if you’d like to give your existing customers advance notification that the prices have increased without charging them the new price right away.

  • Updating subscription renewal prices before the next payment

So all renewals are will be charged the new price right away 

  • Updating Subscriptions Manually in Bulk
  • This is useful if you want to manually update active subscriptions and have a lot. 

You can also use AutomateWoo to notify subscribers about price changes. 

There you go! Take your pick between the four different methods you can use to ensure your updated meal plan prices will be applied to both new subscribers and customers who have subscribed in the past. Now you can keep on providing fantastic meal prep solutions without worrying about decreased profits.