WooCommerce Memberships Function Reference

For Developers: Checks & Functions

Please note that this document is a developer reference provided as a courtesy, as our support policy does not include customizations. This reference lists helpful functions and where to find them in the plugin. The plugin’s inline documentation has details on parameters / returned values, as this is meant to be a directory.
WooCommerce Memberships provides several methods for checking data on content restriction and user memberships. This reference includes helpful conditional checks and global functions for Memberships. Conditional checks return bool true or false. For example:
if ( wc_memberships_is_product_viewing_restricted() ) {
    echo 'MARCO!';
} else {
    echo 'POLO!';
This would check if viewing the current product is restricted to members or not so we can print a different message on the product page. We can also pass in a product id instead to check for a particular product.

Conditional Checks: Products

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All product conditional checks are located in: /includes/wc-memberships-template-functions.php


int|null $post_id Optional, defaults to current post
bool true if viewing is restricted
Checks if product viewing is restricted.


int|null $post_id Optional, defaults to current post
bool true if purchasing is restricted
Checks if product purchasing is restricted. Example:


int|null $product_id Product ID: optional, defaults to current product
bool true if product has discount
Checks if a member discount is present for the product.


int|null $product_id Product ID: optional, defaults to current product
bool true if current user has discount
Checks if the current user has a member discount on the product. Example:

Conditional Checks: Content

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int|null $post_id Optional, defaults to current post
bool true if content is restricted
Checks if a post or page is restricted.

wc_memberships_user_can( $user_id, $action, $target, $when = ” )

int $user_id user to check if has access
string|array type of capabilities: ‘view’, ‘purchase’ (products only)
array $target associative array of content type and content id to access to
int|string UTC timestamp to compare for content access (optional, defaults to now)
bool true if viewing is permitted
Checks if post, page, or product viewing is restricted by user. Can also check if product purchasing is restricted. Example:

Conditional Checks: Members

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Looking to check for any active membership? This tutorial may be helpful.


int $user_id Optional, defaults to current user
int|string $membership_plan Membership Plan slug, post object or related post ID
bool true if user is a member of the plan
Checks if a user is a member for a particular plan.


int $user_id Optional, defaults to current user
int|string $membership_plan Membership Plan slug, post object or related post ID
bool true if user is an active member of the plan
Checks if a user is an active member for a particular plan. Example: display a notice to non-members / inactive members

Functions: Restricted Content

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string $content
string|int|array $membership_plans Optional: the membership plan or plans to check against; Accepts a plan slug, id, or an array of slugs or IDs. Default: all plans
string $delay
bool $exclude_trial
Restrict content to specific membership plans.See the [wcm_restrict] shortcode for an example.


int $user_id User to get access time for
array $target Associative array of content type and content id to access to
string $action Type of access, ‘view’ or ‘purchase’ (products only)
bool $gmt Whether to return a UTC timestamp (default false, uses site timezone)
int|null Timestamp of start access time
Returns user access start timestamp (in site timezone) for content or a product. Note: for now $target only supports 'post' => id or 'product' => id

Functions: Membership Plans

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int|string|\WC_Memberships_Membership_Plan $membership_plan Post object, ID or slug of the membership plan
\WC_Memberships_Membership_Plan|false Returns the plan object or false on failure
Main function for returning a membership plan.


array $args Optional array of arguments, same as for get_posts()
Main function for returning all available membership plans.

Functions: User Memberships

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Looking to check for any active membership? This tutorial may be helpful.


int $user_id WP user ID, defaults to current user
Returns an array of active memberships plan objects; empty if the user is not an active member. Supports statuses added for WooCommerce Subscriptions as well.
$memberships = wc_memberships_get_user_active_memberships( $user_id );

if ( ! empty( $memberships ) ) {
    // do something for this active member


mixed $id Optional. Post object or post ID of the user membership, or user ID
mixed $plan Optional. Membership Plan slug, post object or related post ID
\WC_Memberships_User_Membership|false The User Membership or false if not found
Main function for returning a user membership; supports getting user membership by membership ID, Post object, or a combination of the user ID and membership plan id/slug/Post object. If no $id is provided, defaults to getting the membership for the current user. Example of getting a new, automatically created membership to then set a membership note:


int $user_id Optional, defaults to current user
array $args Optional arguments
\WC_Memberships_User_Membership[]|null array of user memberships
With version 1.4+, can also pass $args as a second parameter; currently accepts “status” and defaults to “any” status. However, this could be used to query all active memberships:
// get all active memberships for a user;
// returns an array of active user membership objects
// or null if no memberships are found
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$args = array(
    'status' => array( 'active', 'complimentary', 'pending' ),
$active_memberships = wc_memberships_get_user_memberships( $user_id, $args );


array $args Array of arguments {
  • @type int|string $user_membership_id membership / post ID for the membership (used when renewing)
  • @type int|string $plan_id membership plan / post object ID
  • @type int|string $user_id user ID for the membership
  • @type int|string $product_id the ID for the access-granting product
  • @type int|string $order_id the order in which access is granted
  • }
string $action Action – either ‘create’ or ‘renew’ — when in doubt, use ‘create’
// Automatically grant membership to a plan at registration
function sv_add_membership_at_registration( $user_id ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'wc_memberships' ) ) {
$args = array(
// Enter the ID (post ID) of the plan to grant at registration
'plan_id' => 253,
'user_id' => $user_id,
wc_memberships_create_user_membership( $args );
add_action( 'user_register', 'sv_add_membership_at_registration', 15 );

Functions: Other Functions

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string|int|\WC_Subscription $subscription A Subscription id, object (or key for Subscriptions
\WC_Memberships_User_Membership[] An array of User Membership objects or empty array if none found


\WC_Memberships_User_Membership $user_membership The user membership object
int|\WC_Product $product The product object or id to get discount for
string discount value
Returns member discount (string) for a product.


int|\WC_Memberships_Membership_Plan $membership_plan Object or id
string $member_area_section Optional, which section of the member area to point to
int|string $paged Optional, for paged sections
string Unescaped URL
Gets the member area URL for a particular membership plan.


int|string $membership_plan Optional: membership plan id for filtering purposes
array of sections
Gets the sections for the member area.

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