How to apply coupons on cheapest / costliest product in cart

Smart Coupons provides a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons and vouchers extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This document describes how to use a coupon or store credit/voucher for a WooCommerce store’s cheapest or most expensive item in the cart.

Smart Coupons helps you with a variety of features, and among them is the ability to apply coupons to the cheap and costly products in the cart with percentage discounts, fixed cart discounts, fixed product discounts, and store credits/vouchers.

Setting up a coupon for the cheapest / most expensive item

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  1. Navigate to your WordPress admin panel. Under Marketing > Coupons, click on Add coupon. You can also modify your existing coupon.
  2. Set the discount type, coupon amount, expiration date and time, and other details.
  3. Look for the “Apply discount on” option and select “Cheapest product in cart” or “Costliest product in cart” based on your requirements. Smart Coupons apply coupons to cheapest costliest product setting
  4. Set usage limits and other restrictions as per your requirements. You can also set advanced restrictions based on payment methods, product quantity, user roles, and more for your coupon to apply.
  5. Publish / Update the coupon.

Thats it!

Coupon applied on the cheapest item in the cart

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Coupon applied on the cheapest item in the order

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