How to export affiliate data to CSV

Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin helps you to add, manage affiliates, and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payouts, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

The plugin provides full flexibility to export affiliate data for your WooCommerce store.

You can export the following to CSV:

  • Affiliate data without any filters
  • Affiliate data based on filters – commission status, affiliate status, tags, time
  • Unpaid commissions data for mass payout (all affiliates or based on filters)

Steps to export affiliate data to CSV without filters

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  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on WooCommerce > Affiliates.
  2. On the Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin dashboard, locate the Export box on the left-hand side and click on the drop-down.
  3. Click on Standard CSV.

All your affiliates’ data will be exported to CSV. This data will show you the following information for each affiliate – name, email, the total commission earned, unpaid commissions, total orders, and total visitors to date.

Steps to export affiliate data to CSV based on filters

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  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on WooCommerce > Affiliates.
  2. On the Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin dashboard, next to the Plans option, click on the Search box.
  3. Select one or multiple filters based on your needs. You can apply any or all of these filters – commission status, affiliate status, tags, date range.
  4. Locate the Export box on the left-hand side and click on the drop-down.
  5. Click on Standard CSV.

This exported data will show you the following information for the filtered affiliates – name, email, the total commission earned, unpaid commissions, total orders, and total visitors to date.

Steps to export unpaid commissions data to CSV for mass payout

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  1. Go to your WordPress Admin panel. Click on WooCommerce > Affiliates.
  2. For filtered export – On the Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin dashboard, click on the Search box and select one or multiple filters based on your need (optional).
  3. Locate the Export box on the left-hand side and click on the drop-down.
  4. Click on Mass Payout CSV.

This data will show you the following information for the affiliates – email, unpaid commissions and currency. You can then import this CSV file into your PayPal account or other payment services to initiate mass payment if the payment service provider supports it.

Feature request

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