How to set different affiliate commission rates for subscription parent or renewal orders

Affiliate for WooCommerce helps add and manage affiliates and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payout, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

The Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with the WooCommerce Subscriptions (formerly known as WooCommerce Subscriptions) plugin.

You can control commission payments on Subscription Parent orders, and Renewal orders using Commission plans.

How to create a commission plan for subscription parent orders?

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  1. Go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Plans.
  2. Click on the “Add a Plan” button from the top right.
  3. In the “Name” field, give a suitable title.
  4. Under the “Commission”, enter the commission amount for parent orders. You can set either a percentage or a flat commission from the dropdown.
  5. Under “Rules”, inside a group, add a rule and select “Parent” under Subscription from the dropdown.
  6. After the “Parent”, “is”, you can select
    1. “Yes” – rule will be valid for Subscription Parent orders
    2.  “No” – rule will be invalid for the Subscription Parent orders
  7. You can add any other rules (affiliate, affiliate tag, product, product category, etc) along with the above one.
  8. Under “Actions”
    1. You can “Apply to”
      1. “all matching products in the order” – to calculate for all the products of the order that comes under this commission plan rules.
      2. “only the first matching product” – to calculate only for the first matched product that comes under this commission plan rule.
    2. For remaining products in the order that doesn’t come under this plan’s rules, you can select any of the following under “And then, for remaining products in the order…”
      1. “continue matching commission plans” – to continue matching other commission plans and their rules based on which it will calculate the commission
      2. “use default commission” – to give storewide default commission value
      3. “apply zero commission” – to give 0 commission
  9. Select “Active” from the drop-down at the top to publish the commission plan.
  10.  Click on the Save button.

How to create a commission plan for subscription renewal orders?

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  1. Go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Plans.
  2. Click on the “Add a Plan” button from the top right.
  3. In the “Name” field, give a suitable title.
  4. Under the “Commission” field, enter the commission amount for Renewals. You can set either a percentage or a flat commission from the dropdown.
  5. Under “Rules”, inside a group, select “Renewal” under Subscription from the dropdown.
  6. After the “Renewal”, you can select
    1. “>” – Greater than
    2.  “>=” – Greater than or equal to
    3. “<” – Less than
    4. “<=” – Less than or equal to
    5. “=” – equal to
    6. “!=” – not equal to
  7. Then “Set renewal order number”, where you can input the number that match with previous selection
  8. You can add any other rules (affiliate, affiliate tag, product, product category, etc) along with the above one.
  9. Under “Actions”
    1. You can “Apply to”
      1. “all matching products in the order” – to calculate for all the products of the order that comes under this commission plan rules.
      2. “only the first matching product” – to calculate only for the first matched product that comes under this commission plan rule.
    2. For remaining products in the order that doesn’t come under this plan’s rules, you can select any of the following under “And then, for remaining products in the order…”
      1. “continue matching commission plans” – to continue matching other commission plans and their rules based on which it will calculate the commission
      2. “use default commission” – to give storewide default commission value
      3. “apply zero commission” – to give 0 commission
  10. Select “Active” from the drop-down at the top to publish the commission plan.
  11. Click on the Save button.

How to stop recurring commissions on subscription renewal orders?

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If you want to disable recurring/renewal commissions for all affiliates, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new commission plan.
  2. Set the Commission = 0 (percentage or flat).
  3. Add the rule “Renewal” under Subscription, and set Renewal >= 0.
  4. Under “Actions”
    1. “Apply to”, select “all matching products in the order”.
    2. “And then, for remaining products in the order…”, select “continue matching commission plans”.
  5. Select “Active” from the drop-down at the top to publish the commission plan.
  6. Click on the Save button.
  7. Sort this plan and place it at the top by following this doc to give priority over other plans.

Note: Since version 7.0.0, the “Issue recurring commission?” setting has been deprecated.

If you had previously disabled it, the plugin will automatically create a new plan called “Do not issue recurring commission as Issue recurring commission? is disabled” when you upgrade to version 7.0.0 or later.

This plan will calculate zero (0) commission for all subscription renewal orders.

Commission plan examples

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Subscription Parent orders

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Consider you want to give 20% commission for the parent order of Magazine Subscription.

  1. Commission – 20%
  2. When – all rule groups pass
  3. This group is a “pass” when – all of the following rules are true.
  4. Affiliate – John Doe
  5. Product – Magazine Subscription
  6. Parent – is – Yes
  7. Multi-level commission? How many tiers? – 1
  8. Under Actions
    1. Apply to – only the first matching product
    2. And then, for remaining products in the order… – apply zero commission

This means when a customer places the parent order of the Magazine Subscription using John’s referral (referral link/referral coupon), John will get a 20% commission.

Subscription Renewal orders

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Consider you want to give a 15% commission till the 12th renewal for a monthly Subscription.

  1. Commission – 15%
  2. When – all rule groups pass
  3. This group is a “pass” when – all of the following rules are true.
  4. Product – Monthly Subscription Product
  5. Renewal  <=  12
  6. Multi-level commission? How many tiers? – 1
  7. Under Actions
    1. Apply to – only the first matching product
    2. And then, for remaining products in the order… – apply zero commission

Consider you don’t want to give a 10% commission till the 18th renewal but not when it’s the 10th renewal.

  1. Commission – 10%
  2. When – all rule groups pass
  3. This group is a “pass” when – all of the following rules are true.
  4. Product – A Subscription Product
  5. Renewal  <=  18
  6. Renewal  !=  10
  7. Multi-level commission? How many tiers? – 1
  8. Under Actions
    1. Apply to – only the first matching product
    2. And then, for remaining products in the order… – apply zero commission

Feature request

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Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Affiliate For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a feature request.