Remind customers to leave a review

Use case

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This workflow will create an automatic post-purchase review email to send to customers to help solicit product reviews which can be used to help build your SEO and drive more traffic to your store.

Workflow setup

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  1. Create a new workflow.
  2. Select the Order Completed trigger.
  3. Click Add Action and select Send Email.
  4. Select the action Send Email and include the variable {{ }} as the email address.
  5. Populate the required fields.
  6. Create your email content which invites the customer to review the products they have recently purchased. Use the variable {{ order.items }} to display the customer’s last purchases in a format of your choosing.
  7. Set the timing to Scheduled and select an appropriate time of the day and week. Be sure to leave a sufficient minimum wait to allow for shipping.
  8. In order to make the review process as easy as possible, you can link customers directly to the review form on a product page. Simply add a HTML anchor link to the url_append field of the {{ order.items | template: 'review-rows' }} variable. Any text added to this field is automatically appended to each product URL.
  9. Click the Preview link to preview your email to ensure it is correct.


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