The automatic group membership assignments are made by the system based on the products that you have set up. Users are assigned to groups based on the products they order. Please also refer to the
Settings for details on the related configuration options.
Once the order that contains a product with group assignments is processing or completed*, the group membership of the user account corresponding to the customer is enabled.
- Whether the assignment is made on order processing or completed is determined by the setting under WooCommerce > Groups > Order Status.

The group membership related to a product purchased terminates when the duration of the time-limited membership ends. Refunded or canceled orders also terminate memberships.
If more than one product grants access to a membership, the user is not removed from the group even though one of the memberships ends.
Memberships without a duration defined for the product do not end.
Memberships can be modified through manual assignments.
Group memberships can be managed directly from the WordPress Dashboard through the Users menu. Please also refer to the
Settings for details on the related configuration options.
You can add multiple users to one or more groups here and also remove them. Users can also be added or removed from groups if the option is enabled under
Groups > Options.

Time-limited memberships can be added and modified if the option is enabled under
WooCommerce > Groups.

To add a user to a group, edit the user’s profile, choose the desired group and update the profile to save the changes.

After the user has been added to the group, extended membership editing options are available.

Unlimited memberships are identified as such (∞), as in the case above, there is no specific date indicated that would end the user’s membership.
Time-limited memberships show the date at which they will terminate. These can be converted into unlimited memberships using the ∞ button. The date of termination can be adjusted as desired.