WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Packages – Conditions

Advanced Shipping Packages is flexible to set up with its conditional logic framework. Below are conditions and how they work.


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Compares against the cart subtotal. This is the total from all items in the cart, excluding fees or shipping cost.


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The matched value is based on the number of items in the cart. This includes all items, including virtual and when ordering multiples of one product.

Contains product

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Checks whether a product is present in the cart. When using with the ‘not equal to’ operator, it requires the given product to NOT be present in the cart.


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Compares against the applied coupons in the order. It is possible to enter a coupon code, amount (add a $ sign) or percentage amount (add a % sign). When using amounts or percentages, it is possible to use the ‘greater than/less than/equal to’ operators; for coupon codes it is not possible.


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Compares against total cart weight.

Contains shipping class

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Checks whether a certain product with the set shipping class is present in the cart. When using with the ‘not equal to’ operator, it requires the given shipping class to NOT be present in the cart.


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Matches against the user shipping zip code. Accepts a comma-separated list of zip codes. Zip codes are matched in a ‘starts with’ way. Add a dash (-) to set up a range of zip codes (numerical only, e.g. ‘10100-10200,10400-10500’).


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Matches against the user shipping city. Accepts a comma-separated list of cities. Case insensitive and space sensitive.


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Matches against the user shipping state. A common setup is to target the continental US, and you can set up two ‘state – not equal to – HI/AK’ conditions.


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Matches against the user shipping country. Can also target continents. If you’re using Geolocation for the customer location, please refer to this documentation to configure;
MaxMind Geolocation Integration

User role

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Matches against a user role. Guest users can be targeted by setting up ‘not equal to’ operators with ‘customer’ (and possible other roles) to target logged-out customers.


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Matches against the widest product in the cart.


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Matches against the highest product in the cart.


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Matches against the lengthiest product in the cart.


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Compares against the product with lowest stock in the cart. This way it is possible to target products that are currently out of stock.

Stock status

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Compares against stock status of all products in the cart. This requires all products to have the given stock status. Otherwise this condition will not match.