What’s New in Order Delivery 1.5

This minor release is focused on improving the functionality of the delivery days. It allows the merchants to define Delivery Time Frames / Time Slots and the available Shipping Methods for each delivery day.


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  • WooCommerce 2.6+
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2+ (Optional)

Delivery Time Frames / Time Slots

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This feature was a recurring question in our support platform and we have attended to your requests.

The customers are happy to have the option to select a delivery date, but they don’t want to spend the whole day waiting for the order. So, we introduce the Delivery Time Frames.

Now, you can divide each delivery day into multiple ranges of hours and allow the customer to select one of them in addition to the delivery date.

Define the delivery time frames for each delivery day
Selecting a delivery time frame in the checkout form

The emails have been updated to display the new delivery information:

Delivery details in the emails

To getting started with this new feature, take a look here.

Shipping methods

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In addition to the Delivery Time Frames, you can also define the available shipping methods for each delivery day.

It can be defined for a whole delivery day. For example, you can have a specific shipping method (with a higher cost if you wish) that only works on Saturdays:

Shipping Method that is only available on Saturdays

In a more precise way, you can define the available shipping methods for each time frame of a delivery day. For example, a shipping method that is only available on Saturday Morning:

Shipping method on Saturday mornings


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These two new features also work with Subscriptions. We have updated the “Subscription Delivery” view to allow the customers to select the delivery time frame for the next orders and define the preferred range of hours for each delivery day.

The customer view to edit the subscription delivery details

The extension will try to adapt the delivery date and time frame for the renewal orders to the customer preferences.

Note: Now, the shipping method of the subscription is taken into consideration to calculate the delivery date and time frame for the renewal orders.

Admin views

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The order list also displays the delivery time frame selected by the customer in the “Delivery Date” column.

Delivery details in the order list

To improve the usability of the “edit-order” and “edit-subscription” admin views, we have moved the delivery fields to its own meta box and added the “Time frame” field.

As a merchant, you can edit the delivery details of an order or a subscription as you wish.

Order Delivery metabox

In the subscriptions, you can also see the customer’s delivery preferences.

Subscription delivery metabox

Other tweaks

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We have also added other tweaks and fixed some issues.

For a complete list of changes, see the Changelog.


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That’s all for now. We have introduced two features in this release that we think they will be very helpful for the merchants and they will make easier the store management. Both features are optional, is up to you to use the delivery time frames, the Shipping methods, or combine both of them according to your needs.