
Search Form in PHP templates

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Use the woocommerce_product_search() function to render the search facility in PHP templates. This function accepts an array of options as described for the shortcode. See the page Shortcodes for details on the parameters that can be passed to this function. Example code:
  if ( function_exists( 'woocommerce_product_search' ) ) {
    echo woocommerce_product_search( array( 'limit' => 20 ) );
This code can be used in any template file, for example, you could add it to your theme’s single-product.php template.

Replacing the default Search Form

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As of version 2.0.0, the extension will replace the standard product search form automatically. The related settings can be adjusted in the General settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Search > General. If your theme does not use the API which produces the standard product search form, the procedure below may be used explicitly to render the live Product Search Field provided by the extension.
You need to edit your theme’s searchform.php file, preferably using a child theme to preserve customizations against upgrades. More here: How to set up and use a child theme From your parent theme’s searchform.php template file, copy it from the parent theme directory to your child theme directory and edit to conditionally output the WooCommerce Product Search (if it exists). The following snippet demonstrates one way that this might be accomplished, in this case placing it at the beginning of the searchform.php file*.
if ( function_exists( 'woocommerce_product_search' ) ) {
echo woocommerce_product_search();
} else {
//the original contents of search.php should follow
//make sure to close the php tag as appropriate
view raw search.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub
*This does not apply to Storefront and child themes based on it. For these, please refer to the section below.

Replacing the search form in Storefront themes

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As of version 2.0.0, the extension will replace the standard product search form automatically and no modifications in Storefront and its child themes are required. The related settings can be adjusted in the General settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Search > General.
If using Storefront or one of the Storefront child themes, there isn’t a searchform.php file and you can use this code instead in your theme’s functions.php – please remember to create a child theme for that, don’t put this in Storefront’s functions.php as it will be overwritten next time you update the theme.
function storefront_product_search() {
if ( function_exists('storefront_is_woocommerce_activated' ) ) {
if ( storefront_is_woocommerce_activated() ) { ?>
<div class="site-search">
if ( function_exists( 'woocommerce_product_search' ) ) {
echo woocommerce_product_search();
} else {
the_widget( 'WC_Widget_Product_Search', 'title=' );