How to create affiliate registration forms with Contact Form 7

Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin helps you to add, manage affiliates, and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payouts, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

The plugin provides a form that allows affiliates to sign up for your affiliate program. But you can also use the Contact Form 7 plugin to create custom affiliate registration forms the way you want.

Add the Contact Form 7 shortcode to any post/page of your site to show the affiliate registration form and allow users to sign up for your affiliate program.


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Make sure the Contact Form 7 plugin (free) is installed and activated on your site.

Steps to create affiliate registration form with Contact Form 7 plugin

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To create a new form, go to your WordPress Admin panel > Contact > Add New and enter the form title.

Additional Settings tab

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Under the Additional Settings tab, add the following and click on “Save”:

  1. afwc_registration: on
  2. skip_mail: on” – If you want to skip the mail sent by Contact Form 7 upon form submission, we recommend adding this setting. This is because the “Affiliate Manager – New Registration Received” email will go to the store admin/affiliate manager and the “Affiliate – Welcome Email” will go to the newly registered affiliate.

Form tab

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Under the Form tab, to add affiliate registration form fields:

  1. You will see eight new form tags (ref) for affiliate registration using which you would be able to add all the default affiliate registration fields.
  2. Default fields:
    1. Affiliate Registration: Email Address – To enter the email address of the affiliate for registration.
    2. Affiliate Registration: First Name – To enter the affiliate’s First Name for registration.
    3. Affiliate Registration: Last Name – To enter the affiliate’s Last Name for registration.
    4. Affiliate Registration: Password – To enter the affiliate’s Password for registration.
    5. Affiliate Registration: Confirm Password – To enter Confirm Password for matching with the Password field.
    6. Affiliate Registration: PayPal Email Address – To enter the affiliate’s PayPal Email Address for payout.
    7. Affiliate Registration: Referral affiliate user ID – To enter the referrer user ID.
    8. Affiliate Registration: Website URL – To enter the Website URL.
  3. We recommend using the following default (mandatory) affiliate registration fields for getting the affiliate’s Email Address and Password:
    1. Affiliate Registration: Email Address
    2. Affiliate Registration: Password
  4. Set the Field type required to the required fields.
  5. Check the Field type – Required field checkbox for “Affiliate Registration: Email Address” and “Affiliate Registration: Password”.
  6. Check the Field type – Required field checkbox for the “Affiliate Registration: Confirm Password”, if you want to add the same field. Please make sure you have already added the “Affiliate Registration: Password” field as Confirm Password is useful only with the Password field.
  7. For the “Affiliate Registration: Referral affiliate user ID” field, by default 1 is added as the minimum value for the field. If you remove that, it will take the 0 value as well. So we recommend not removing the min attribute for this field. If any user tries to add a referral id that does not exist, it will show an error.
  8. It’s not recommended to change the value of the name field for default Affiliate Registration form tags, else the form field won’t work as expected.
  9. If you want to add custom form fields, you can add that using Contact Form 7 form tags. Learn more about adding custom form fields from this documentation.
  10. We recommend avoiding the Contact Form 7 default name case for custom fields.
    For example, when you try to add a date field using the form tag generator, the form will give a field name like “date-78”. We recommend removing the “-78” part, else, you will see the field name as “Date 78” under the user’s profile and email. If you want to give any space to a label of the field, you can add (hyphen) in the same place (i.e. You can use date-of-birth as the name for the Date of Birth field).

Messages tab

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Under the Messages tab, you can configure response messages to show to affiliates after they submit the form. The plugin give five response messages – in addition to response messages provided by Contact Form 7 – as following which you can edit:

  1. The user’s request is successfully submitted and is now awaiting review for approval as an affiliate as Approval method setting is disabled.
  2. The user is successfully registered as an affiliate as Approval method setting is enabled.
  3. The user have already signed up for affiliate program and their request is pending for review.
  4. The user’s request to signup for affiliate program was rejected previously.
  5. The user is already registered as an affiliate.

You can change any message to a custom message but you can’t use HTML tags in your message fields as it is not supported by Contact Form 7.

Save the form and use the shortcode of the form on any page/post to show the Affiliate Registration form to your users.

Existing/logged-in users

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Learn more from here.

Actions after affiliate submits form

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  1. Approve/reject affiliate requests and see what details they have entered in the form
  2. Email notifications

Feature request

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Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Affiliate For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a feature request.