How to create affiliate registration form to let users sign up for your affiliate program

Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin helps you to add, manage affiliates, and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payouts, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

As a store owner, you can approve selected users on your site as affiliates from their User Profile or by their user role.

But you also have the authority to accept or reject users for your affiliate program who sign up via the affiliate registration form.

Registration form

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The plugin gives you a shortcode [afwc_registration_form] that you can add on any page of your site to show the affiliate registration form. Users can sign up for your affiliate program using this form.

An example of the form can be seen here.
(Note – Form appearance may vary based on your theme.)

On activating the plugin for the first time, a page is created for you automatically with the above shortcode. You can find that page either in the list of All pages on your site or from under the WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate > Registration form > Review and publish form.

Update affiliate registration form fields

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Edit existing form fields

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Go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate. Under the ‘Registration form’, click on ‘Edit form’.

By default, the form has the following fields with labels:

  1. Email – email address of the user (Mandatory)
  2. First Name – first name of the user
  3. Last Name – last name of the user
  4. Phone Number / Skype ID / Best method to talk to you – way to contact the user
  5. Website – user’s website from where they’ll be promoting your website or products
  6. Password & Confirm Password – user’s account password (Mandatory)
  7. Tell us more about yourself and why you’d like to partner with us (please include your social media handles, experience promoting others, tell us about your audience, etc.) – this information helps you decide how the user will promote your website (Mandatory)
  8. Accept affiliate program terms (Mandatory)

You can either rename these fields or show/hide them as and when required. Simply uncheck the fields you don’t want to show in the form except for the mandatory ones.

Add terms link to terms and conditions

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Please follow these steps:

  1. Go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate > Registration form > Edit form
  2. Change the text “I accept all the terms of this program” to the following: I accept all the terms of this program <a href=”link-to-your-terms-page”>View our terms</a>
  3. Click on Save

Add new form fields

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Currently, it is not possible to add any new form fields to the above default form. If you want to add new form fields, you can refer to our integrations:

  1. Elementor Form Builder
  2. Contact Form 7

Want integration with any other form builder plugin? Please submit a feature request from here along with a short description of the plugin and a link to that plugin or reach out to us directly from here.

Review and publish the form

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Once the affiliate registration form fields are set up, you can follow these steps to publish the form/page:

  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate. Under the Registration form, click on the Review and publish form
  2. It will take you to an automatically created registration page, you can edit it as per your requirements and then publish it.

Alternatively, you can create as many pages as you want with the shortcode [afwc_registration_form].

Affiliate’s user role

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By default, a user who signs up to be an affiliate will be assigned a user role set under WordPress Admin panel > Settings > General > New User Default Role.

For multisite, to change the above setting, go to My Sites > Network Admin > Sites > All Sites. Select Edit on the site that you want to set the default role for, then click Settings. Scroll down and you should see ‘Default Role’. Set the role to ‘subscriber’ (or whatever you want) and click on ‘Save changes’.

You can even create a custom user role (either via custom code or using any other plugin) and use the same.

You can change the affiliate’s user role to any other role once they are approved as well.

Approving users as affiliates

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You now have the option to approve all or selected users as affiliates.

Approve all users as affiliates

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Follow the below steps if you want all users who sign-up for your affiliate program to become your affiliates automatically (without their request being reviewed).

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate.
  2. Enable the checkbox under ‘Approval method’.
  3. Click on the Save changes

After enabling, all the users who sign up via the form will be automatically approved and will be your affiliates.

Approve selected users as affiliates

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For this, firstly make sure the ‘Auto approve affiliate’ setting is disabled under WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate. After it is disabled, any user who signs up via the form will be going in ‘pending’ status once they sign up.

Follow the below steps, to decide whom to approve or reject from the affiliate program:

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates.
  2. Click on the Search bar at the top. Click on the ‘Awaiting Approval’ filter. You’ll find a list of all affiliates in Red color below the Export option who filled the registration form and their approval is pending.
  3. Select any user marked in Red color.
  4. Click on the ‘Review & Approve Affiliate’ button. It will take you to the User Profile and you’ll see what details they have entered in the form.
  5. Select the ‘Approve affiliate’ option in Green to approve the affiliate request.
  6. Select the ‘Reject affiliate’ option in Red to reject the affiliate request.

That’s it. You have approved/rejected a user’s affiliate request.

Email notifications

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Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin also sends emails for the following cases:

  1. Affiliate – Pending Request
    After a user signs up via the affiliate registration form and their request to join the affiliate program is in pending status, they will receive this email.
  2. Affiliate Manager – New Registration Received
    Once a user signs up via the form, an email will be sent to the affiliate manager notifying them about the new signup. If the affiliate manager email is not set, then this email will be sent to the store admin of the website.
  3. Affiliate – Welcome Email
    After an affiliate’s request to join is approved, the affiliate will receive a welcome email informing them about the same. They will also receive their affiliate link, their account link, your product catalog link, etc. to get started quickly.

You can manage these email notifications from WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Emails. Also, you can override email templates.

Allow existing users to join the affiliate registration form

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An existing/already registered user on your site can also join your affiliate program in either of these two ways:

  1. By visiting the registration form page directly OR
  2. From their My Account > Register as an affiliate tab

Few fields are not visible to existing/logged-in users

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If a logged-in user tries submitting their affiliate request via the form, then they will not see a few form fields like first name, last name, password/confirm password as that information will be already available in their account. The email field will be visible – with their account email pre-filled – but the user will not be allowed to edit it.

Disable ‘Register as an affiliate’ from all the user’s My Account

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Firstly, make sure you are using the latest version of the Affiliate For WooCommerce plugin.

Then you can disable the ‘Register as an affiliate’ for all the users’ My Account using the ‘Register as an affiliate’ setting.

Note: The filer afwc_is_registration_open is now deprecated. If you have used it, then the plugin will automatically detect the filter’s return value and set that in the above setting (Register as an affiliate).


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1. How to add Captcha to the affiliate registration form?

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The Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin integrates with Contact Form 7 and Elementor Form Builder.

You can create custom affiliate registration forms using any of them as explained here and add reCAPTCHA to prevent spamming or fraud.

Visit this doc for adding reCAPTCHA in Contact Form 7 and this doc for integrating it in Elementor Form Builder.

2. Does the Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin create any user role upon activation?

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No, it doesn’t.

Feature request

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Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Affiliate For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a feature request.