How to create and assign affiliate landing pages

Affiliate for WooCommerce helps add and manage affiliates and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payout, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

‘Affiliate landing pages’ allows you to create custom landing pages for your affiliates. They can use these pages to promote your products or services without their referral link or coupon.

Affiliates will earn commission as per your commission plans when a customer makes a purchase through the landing page.

We suggest using better headlines, images, relevant copy text and call to actions on the landing page for better marketing and conversions.

How to enable landing pages?

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Refer to settings here.

How to assign a landing page to an affiliate?

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Once the affiliate landing page feature is enabled, a meta box titled ‘Affiliate Landing Page’ will be visible while adding or editing any post, page, and product.

From that meta box, you can assign a landing page to an affiliate by following these steps:

  1. Search for an affiliate by name, username, or email inside the search box.
  2. Select the affiliate to assign that post/page/product to them.
  3. “Update” to save the changes.
assign affiliate to landing page

Note: The meta box will not show for products that are excluded from the Excluded products setting.

How to personalize affiliate landing pages using merge tags?

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You can use the following default merge tags on the landing page to display the affiliate’s information:

  1. {afwc_affiliate_name}– To show the display name of that affiliate.
  2. {afwc_affiliate_id} – To show the affiliate’s user ID.
  3. {afwc_affiliate_link} – To show the default referral link of that affiliate.

The above merge tags will also be visible under the ‘Available merge tags’ section in the ‘Affiliate Landing Page’ meta box.

How can the store admin find an affiliate’s landing pages?

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Store admin can view any affiliate’s landing pages by navigating to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Dashboard > Selecting an affiliate > Profile tab.

You can click on any landing page URL from the list and it will be copied to your clipboard. You can then share it wherever you want.

The Edit page icon is next to each landing page URL. Click on it to edit the landing page.

landing pages list of an affiliate - admin view

Where can affiliates find their landing pages?

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Affiliates can see their landing pages from their My account > Affiliate > Profile > Landing pages.

When they click on any landing page URL, it will be automatically copied to their clipboard. They can then share it anywhere to start promoting it.

landing pages list of an affiliate - affiliate view

Note: The Landing pages section will be visible only to those affiliates to whom you assigned at least one affiliate landing page.

How does the landing page track referrals?

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Referral tracking stores cookies in the visitor’s browser when someone visits an affiliate’s landing page, facilitating accurate referral tracking.

The cookies follow the setting Credit first/last affiliate, so the cookies will be set accordingly if the customer visits different affiliates’ landing pages.

Consider this example: Daniella visited John’s landing page yesterday, then visited Maria’s landing page today and made the purchase.

  1. If the ‘First’ option is selected, John will be eligible to get a commission as per commission plans.
  2. If the ‘Last’ option is selected, Maria will be eligible to get a commission as per commission plans.


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1. Will an affiliate get a commission if someone visits their landing page in one browser and buys in another browser?

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No, commission tracking relies on cookies. So if the customer switches browser, and completes the purchase without visiting the landing page again, the referral cookies won’t be present in the visitor’s browser.

Therefore, the commission won’t be tracked.

2. If a customer visits an affiliate landing page and is already linked to an affiliate for a lifetime commission, who will receive the commission?

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In this scenario, the commission will be credited to the affiliate with whom the customer is linked for lifetime commissions.

3. If a customer visits a landing page and uses a referral coupon from another affiliate, who will receive a commission?

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It will be dependent on the Credit first/last affiliate setting.

  • If “First” is selected, the affiliate assigned to the landing page will be eligible for commission.
  • If “Last” is selected, the affiliate assigned to the referral coupon will receive the commission because the coupon is applied later.

4. What will happen if I make a product as an affiliate landing page, and later add it to the Excluded products?

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The product will not function as an affiliate landing page if you add it to the Excluded products.

Affiliates will not be eligible for commissions on any sales of that product or through that product page.

5. Is the affiliate landing page compatible with all post types?

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Affiliate landing page is compatible with only posts, pages, and products.

Feature request

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Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Affiliate For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a request or send it to us from here.