How to pay store credit as affiliate commission

Affiliate for WooCommerce helps add and manage affiliates and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payout, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

If you are using the WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin, you can pay affiliate commissions via store credit coupons, instead of paying money.

Use the Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin to record payouts made via store credit. Use the WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin to send store credit coupons to affiliates.

Using the WooCommerce Smart Coupons plugin, you can also set advanced restrictions based on products, shipping methods, user roles and others for sending and creating store credit coupons.
Visit here to learn more about different coupon restrictions.

Steps to record commission payout sent via store credit coupon

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  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates.
  2. Choose an affiliate to pay the commission.
  3. On the Referrals tab, select the required referral records for payout. It will sum up the amount automatically for the records with Unpaid Commission status.
  4. The total amount will be visible next to the Send Payout option above the referral records table.
  5. Keep a note of the selected order IDs and the amount to be paid. It will help while sending the actual payout via the store credit coupon.
  6. Once done, click on the Send Payout. Popup will appear. Inside the popup, under Payment Method, choose Other from the dropdown.
  7. For Record Date, select the date of sending the store credit coupon.
  8. In Notes, mention the info like: Commission payout via store credit coupon.
  9. Click on the Send button and the system will update the commission status as Paid for those referral orders.
  10. This payout record will be visible under the Payouts tab – next to the Referrals tab.

Your affiliate will receive an email with the required details.

Note: This amount will not be debited or sent in the form of money.

How to send store credit coupons to your affiliates?

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  1. Go to WordPress Admin > Marketing > Coupons, and click on the “Send Store Credit” tab.
  2. Under “Send to”, enter the email address of the affiliate (FAQ: How to find the email address of an affiliate?).
  3. Under “Worth”, enter the amount that you recorded as a commission payout for an affiliate.
  4. Set an “Expiry Date” for the store credit coupon (optional).
  5. Under “Message”, mention to your affiliate the purpose of sending the store credit coupon (for example: Commission payout for these order IDs).
  6. Click on the ‘Preview Email’ button to see how the email will look.
  7. Click on ‘Send’ to send the store credit coupon immediately.

Learn more about sending store credit and scheduling: How to send store credit via Smart Coupons.

Where will affiliates find their store credit coupons?

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The affiliate will receive the store credit coupon via email.

Also, the store credit balance can be checked from the My Account > Coupons section.

Where affiliates can check their payout history?

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Affiliates can find Payout records under their My Account > Affiliate > Reports > Payout History section.

You can test this on our live demo (link at the top right of this page).

Feature Request

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If you want to automate it and have a 1-click payout via store credit support, upvote/comment on the below feature requests:

  1. Store Credit
  2. Payout option via store credit

Have a feature request or enhancement suggestion for Affiliate For WooCommerce? Submit it from here: Submit a feature request.