Manual workflow quick filters

When building the manual workflow runner, introduced in AutomateWoo 5.0, scaling was a key consideration. We developed a new system for our existing workflow rules to make it possible to convert a set of rules into a database query. By using a database query we can find all the items that match a set of rules quickly and in a more scalable way. 

The system is called quick-filtering and any rule that has the ability to be converted to a database query argument is considered to be “quick-filterable”.

When creating a manual workflow you’re free to use any rules, quick-filterable or otherwise. However, using quick-filterable rules greatly decreases the time required to find the matching items for the workflow.

List of quick-filterable rules

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  • Customer – Email
  • Customer – Country
  • Customer – State
  • Customer – Postcode
  • Customer – Phone
  • Order – Status
  • Order – Total
  • Order – Payment Gateway
  • Order – Shipping Country
  • Order – Billing Country
  • Order – Created Via
  • Order – Custom Field
  • Order – Is Placed By Guest
  • Order – Customer Provided Note
  • Order – Paid Date
  • Order – Created Date
  • Subscription – Status
  • Subscription – Payment Method
  • Subscription – Custom Field
  • Subscription – Next Payment Date
  • Subscription – Created Date
  • Subscription – Trial End Date
  • Subscription – End Date
  • Subscription – Has Payment Method
  • Subscription – Requires Manual Renewal