Rules List


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Customer – Email

  • Targets customer email addresses that start with or contain a specific word.

Customer – Country

  • Target customers based on their billing country.

Customer – State

  • Target customers based on their billing state.

Customer – State – Text Match

  • Similar to the previous rule but is based on text input instead of a select box.

Customer – Postcode

  • Target customers based on their billing postcode.

Customer – City

  • Target customers based on their billing city.

Customer – Company

  • Target customers based on their billing company.

Customer – Phone

  • Target customers based on their billing phone.

Customer – Is Guest

  • Target customers based on whether they have created an account or not.

Customer – Account Created Date

  • Segment workflows based on the customer’s account creation date. See also date based rules doc. 

Customer – User Role

  • Restricts the workflow to customers with certain user roles. This is useful if your store uses multiple customer tiers such as VIP or Wholesale. You also might just want to test your workflow by restricting it to administrators only.

Customer – User Tags

  • Restricts workflow to customers who have certain tags attached to their profile. Please note user tags are not currently support on guest customers.

Customer – Total Spent

  • Targets customers who have spent over or under a certain amount in your store.

Customer – Order Count

  • Restricts workflow to customer who have placed a certain number of orders.

Customer – First Order Paid Date

  • Segment workflows based on the first paid order date of the customer. See also date based rules doc. 

Customer – Last Order Paid Date

  • Segment workflows based on the most recent paid order date of the customer. See also date based rules doc. 

Customer – 2nd Last Paid Order Date

  • Segment workflows based on the second most recent paid order date of the customer. See also date based rules doc. 

Customer – Purchased Products – All Time

  • This rule searches through all the customer’s purchased products for a particular product.

Customer – Purchased Categories – All Time

  • This rule searches through the customer’s purchased product categories for all their orders.

Customer – Has Active Subscription

  • Pair with “Yes” or “No” to target users with or without at least one active subscription.

Customer – Order Statuses

  • Restricts workflow to customers that have orders of a certain status e.g. the customer has at least one completed order.

Customer – Custom Field

  • Use this rule to target users based on their customer meta/custom fields.

Customer – Review Count

  • Targets customers based on the number of approved reviews they have left on your store.

Customer – Last Review Date

  • Segment workflows based on the date the customer last left a product review. See also date based rules doc. 

Customer – Is Subscribed To MailChimp List

  • Restrict workflows to run only for customers that are subscribed to specific MailChimp lists.

Customer – Active Memberships

  • Restrict workflows to customers that have an active membership to a specific membership plan or plans. Please note that “Active Memberships” includes ActiveComplimentary, Pending Cancellation and Free Trial memberships. Requires the WooCommerce Memberships extension.

Customer – Points

  • Requires the WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin. This rule segments workflows based on a customer’s current points balance. Guest customers always have 0 points.


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Order – Status

  • Target orders based on their status.

Order – Item Count

  • Restricts workflow to orders that have a certain number of items purchased. Pair this rule with statements such as “is greater than” to target customers who buy many products at once.

Order – Line Count

  • Restricts workflow to orders that have a certain number of lines purchased. This is similar to the Order Item Count rule but ignores the quantity of each purchased item.

Order – Coupon Count

  • Restrict workflow to orders with a specific number of coupons. E.g. can be used to target orders with no coupons.

Order – Total

  • Restricts a workflow to orders which have a specified total cost. You could pair this rule with “is greater than 100” to target customers who have placed an order over that amount.

Order – Items

  • Pair this rule with “includes” or “does not include” and enter in products from your store. The workflow will only run if an order includes the products you specify.

Order – Item Categories

  • Restricts a workflow to orders which contain products from certain categories. Use this rule with the comparison statement “matches all of” to specify that the order must contain at least one item from every single category you select. Alternatively, including the comparison statement “matches any of” specifies that at least one item from any specified category must be included in the order.

Order – Item Tags

  • Functions the same as the Order Item Categories rule but applies to tags instead of categories.

Order – Item Names – Text Match

  • Restricts workflow to orders which have items which contain particular keywords in the title.

Order – Coupons

  • Use this rule to target orders that contain a specific coupon. You can also target orders that don’t use a specific coupon.

Order – Coupons – Text Match

  • Similar to the previous rule but does a text match on the coupon code used in the order instead of matching specific coupons.

Order – Coupon Count

  • Segment workflows based on the number of coupons applied to an order.

Order – Payment Gateway

  • Targets a particular payment method. e.g. Stripe or Direct Bank Transfer.

Order – Shipping Country

  • Restricts workflow to orders which are being shipped to a country of your choice.

Order – Billing Country

  • Restricts workflow to a billing country of your choice.

Order – Shipping Method

  • Allows you to target customers which require an order shipping method such as flat rate, free shipping, local pickup etc.

Order – Shipping Method – Text Match

  • Restricts workflow to shipping methods which contain a keyword.

Order – Created Date

  • Segment workflows based on the order created date. See also date based rules doc. 

Order – Paid Date

  • Segment workflows based on the order paid date. See also date based rules doc. 

Order – Has Cross-Sells Available

  • Targets orders with items that have cross-sells in your store. This can be used to ensure you don’t send a cross-sell follow-up email that doesn’t contain any valid cross-sell products.

Order – Is Customer’s First

  • Targets first-time customers.

Order – Placed by Guest

  • Target orders that are placed by guest customers or target only registered users by setting the rule value to ‘No’.

Order – Is Subscription Renewal

  • Restrict workflow to orders that are / are not for subscription renewals. You could use this rule to send a thank you email or a discount coupon.

Order – Customer Provided Note

  • Targets orders which have a note provided by the customer containing certain keywords.

Order – Custom Field

  • Use this rule to target customers based on their order meta/custom fields.

Order – Created Via

  • Segment workflows based on if the order was created via Checkout, Store API (Checkout Block), REST API or Admin.

Order Line Items

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Order Line Item – Quantity

  • This rule is based on the quantity of purchased of a single line item, for example how many of a specific product was purchased in the order.  This should not be confused with the Order Item Count rule which is the total count of all line items.

Order Line Item – Meta

  • Use this rule to target customers based on their order item meta/custom fields.

Order Line Item – Product

  • Target order line items that match a specific product

Order Line Item – Subtotal

  • Target order line items based on the subtotal amount

Order Line Item – Tax Total

  • Target order line items based on the tax total amount

Order Line Item – Total

  • Target order line items based on the total amount


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Workflow – Run Count for Order

  • This limits the workflow from triggering too many times for a customer’s order.

Workflow – Last Run Date For Customer

  • Segment workflows based on the date that the current workflow was last run for the customer. For example, this rule can prevent the customer from receiving an email if they have already received it in the last 24 hours. See also date based rules doc. 

Workflow – Run Count for Customer

  • Limits the workflow so it only runs a certain number of times for each customer. A useful precaution so that your customers don’t receive too many emails or coupons. For example, you can pair this with the comparison statement “is less than” and “1” to ensure that the workflow only runs once per customer. Once the workflow’s run count has reached 1, this rule will prevent it from running a second time.

Workflow – Run Count For Subscription

  • Allows segmenting the workflow based on the number of times the workflow has run for the current subscription. Can be used to limit how many times a workflow runs for a subscription.

Workflow – Run Count for Guest

  • Identical to the Workflow – Run Count for Customer rule, except it applies to guests in your store.


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Cart – Total

  • Total cost of the customer’s cart is a certain amount.

Cart – Item Count

  • Number of items in cart is more than or greater than a certain amount.

Cart – Items

  • include a certain product(s).

Cart – Item Categories

  • Cart includes products from certain categories.

Cart – Item Tags

  • Cart includes products from certain tags.

Cart – Coupons

  • Coupons being used in cart match a particular type you have created in your store.

Cart – Created Date

  • Segment workflows based on the cart created date. See also date based rules doc. 


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Guest – Email

  • The guest’s email address contains a particular keyword. Alternatively, you can enter a particular customer’s exact email.

Guest – Order Count

  • Targets guests who have placed a particular number of orders in your store. You could create a workflow that targets guests who have placed greater than 3 orders and encourage them to sign up.


The above rules are only visible when you choose New Guest Captured as the trigger in your workflow.

Also, since AutomateWoo Version 3.0.0, all customer data type supports Guests as well. That means in your workflow, if you use any rules listed under Customers, the workflow will also target Guests.

However, if you target Guests, and use Email - Send Email action, please make sure that you configure Marketing opt-in setting as Customer optin-in mode > Opt-out within AutomateWoo > Settings > Marketing opti-in, otherwise emails won’t get sent to Guests.


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Subscription – Status

  • Target subscriptions that have specific statuses.

Subscription – Items

  • Target subscriptions that include certain products.

Subscription – Item Categories

  • Target subscriptions that include products from certain categories.

Subscription – Payment Count

  • Restrict workflows based on the number of payments made for a subscription. This includes all renewal orders and potentially an initial order, depending on whether the subscription was created manually by a store manager.

Subscription – Payment Method

  • Targets subscribers who pay using a certain method.

Subscription – Has Payment Method

  • Segment to subscriptions that have no payment method.

Subscription – Custom Field

  • Use this rule to target subscribers based on their subscription meta/custom fields.

Subscription – Requires Manual Renewal

  • Restrict workflows based on whether the subscription use manual or automatic renewals.

Subscription – Created Date

  • Segment workflows based on the subscription created date. See also date based rules doc. 

Subscription – End Date

  • Segment workflows based on the subscription end date. Not all subscriptions will have an end date set. See also date based rules doc. 

Subscription – Trial End Date

  • Segment workflows based on the subscription trial end date. Not all subscriptions will have an trial end date set. See also date based rules doc. 

Subscription – Next Payment Date

  • Segment workflows based on the subscription’s next payment date. Not all subscriptions will have a next payment scheduled. See also date based rules doc. 

Subscription – Last Payment Date

  • Segment workflows based on the subscription’s most recent payment date. Not all subscriptions will have a last payment date. See also date based rules doc. 

Subscription – Coupons

  • Segment workflows based on which coupons are or are not applied to a subscription.

Subscription – Coupons – Text Match

  • Segment workflows based on which coupons are or are not applied to a subscription via a text match.

Subscription – Coupon Count

  • Segment workflows based on the number of coupons applied to a subscription.

Subscription – Can Renew Early

  • Segment workflows to subscriptions based on whether they can or cannot be renewed early.


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Review – Rating

  • Allows you to target reviews based on the star rating of the review.


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  • Allows you to target a specific product or variation

Product – Categories

  • Allows you to target products by categories


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Advocate – Total Referral Count

  • Targets advocates based on their total number of referrals in your store.

Advocate – Approved Referral Count

  • Targets advocates who have had a specified number of referrals approved in your store.

Advocate – Rejected Referral Count

  • Targets advocates who have made a number of rejected referrals.

Advocate – Potential Fraud Referral Count

  • Although you may approve certain cases initially marked as potential fraud, using this rule can be a good way to ensure things don’t get out of hand. This rule targets advocates whose referrals have been marked as potential fraud a number of times.