How to enable Side Cart widget

The cart page is an extra step that can increase abandonment. Cashier for WooCommerce plugin provides a side cart widget that can make access to the cart very easy. This plugin also provides a cart icon clicking on which users can quickly review what’s in their cart in a sidebar popup without actually visiting the cart page.

Setup and Configuration

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No configuration is required actually.

The cart icon will be automatically displayed on all pages, except the checkout page.

The sidebar will open up when the user adds a product to the cart from the shop page or individual product page. All via AJAX…no refresh, thus speeding up the checkout process.

Your customers can also click on the shopping cart icon, to open up the sidebar cart pop-up to review their cart items.

On the side cart widget, your customers can –

  • View all coupons applied
  • Add a new coupon, remove a coupon
  • Modify product quantity
  • Delete product
  • View product price, subtotal, shipping cost, taxes, total
  • View notices like ‘coupon code applied successfully’, ‘can’t add more quantity of products’, etc. based on action taken.
  • Call to action button – link to the shop page or WooCommerce checkout page

This option helps users to access their cart from anywhere on the site, reducing the checkout time and increasing conversions.

Side Cart for easy access to cart from anywhere