Recommend New Arrivals in Shop Archives

This guide shows you how to use WooCommerce Product Recommendations to place an Instant Hits block of product recommendations on your store’s Shop page. The generated recommendations include popular products that have been created recently.

Add Instant Hits recommendations to your Shop page to provide social proof and boost customer confidence.
Recommend “Instant Hits”.

Plugins/Extensions Used

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Create an “Instant Hits” Engine

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  1. Create an Engine
    • Go to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Engines and click Create new.
    • Under Title, enter “Instant Hits”.
    • Choose the Generic Engine Type.
  2. Add Filters
    • Locate the Filters section in the Engine Configuration panel.
    • Add a Created Filter.
    • In the first dropdown, select in.
    • In the second one, choose the last 30 days option to recommend products created in the last month.
  3. Add Amplifiers
    • Go to the Amplifiers section.
    • Add a Popularity Amplifier to favor popular products in the generated recommendations.
    • In the first dropdown, select high to low.
    • In the next one, choose the last 7 days option.
    • Add a Rating Amplifier to favor your store’s highest rated products in the generated recommendations.
    • Select high to low.
    Use the +/- buttons to increase/decrease the relative weight of the Amplifiers you just added.
  4. Save the Engine Click the Create button to save the Engine you just configured.

Deploy the “Instant Hits” Engine

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    1. Deploy the Engine Click Deploy in the message that appears after saving the Engine. Altenatively:
      • Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations.
      • Search for and select the “Instant Hits” Engine.
      • Click the Deploy button.
    2. Configure Display Settings
      • In the Title field, enter “Instant Hits”. This will be displayed above the recommended products.
      • Select a number of Product columns and Product rows for the product recommendations. Use the default settings to display a single row of 4 products.
    3. Choose Location To display recommendations at the top of the Shop page, choose Shop > Before Products.
Deploying the "Instant Hits" Engine
Deploying the “Instant Hits” Engine.
  1. Finalize the Deployment Click Deploy to deploy this Engine to the specified Location.


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Making Changes

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To edit the configuration of the “Instant Hits” Engine:
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Engines.
  2. Locate and Edit the “Instant Hits” Engine.
  3. Update the Engine to save your changes.
Once you have saved an Engine, it is no longer possible to change its Engine Type.
To edit the Display Settings, Location, or Visibility Conditions of the “Instant Hits” Engine deployment:
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations.
  2. Go to the Shop section.
  3. Click the Before Products tab.
  4. Expand the “Instant Hits” Engine deployment and make changes as needed.
  5. Save your changes.
If the number of Engine deployments on your site is small, you may find it easier to locate and edit the “Instant Hits” Engine deployment by navigating to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations > Overview.


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The “Instant Hits” Engine will generate product recommendations only if there are at least a few:
  • products with reviews; or
  • orders placed within the timeframe you specified when configuring the Popularity Amplifier.

Notes on Full Page Caching

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If your server is configured to serve cached content/pages, certain recommendation engines deployed in catalog/product pages may:
  • fail to display dynamic, personalized, or conditional content; or even
  • not be rendered at all.
To get these recommendations to display properly for visitors without an active session, you can use an alternative method for rendering recommendations that will bypass your server’s page cache on these pages:
  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Recommendations.
  2. Locate the Deployments rendering > Use AJAX option and enable it.
Note that enabling this option may introduce a noticeable delay between the time that a page has fully loaded and the time that recommendations become visible to visitors without an active session. This delay will depend on the speed of your server, and the quality of your each visitor’s network connection. If this is an issue, the next option is to completely disable the page caching features enabled on your site/server (not recommended!).

Questions & Support

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