Recommend Products from Recently Viewed Categories

This guide shows you how to use WooCommerce Product Recommendations to recommend recently viewed products in customized Thank You pages.

This is a great technique for encouraging repeat purchases. For maximum impact, pair your recommendations with coupons.
To understand this technique, you will create a Still Looking For Shoes? block of product recommendations to offer top-rated products from the Shoes category to any customers who viewed, but didn’t add any products from this category to their order.
“Still Looking For Shoes?”.

Plugins/Extensions Used

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Create a “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine

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  1. Create an Engine
    • Go to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Engines and click Create new.
    • Under Title, enter “Still Looking For Shoes?”.
    • Choose the Order Engine Type.
  2. Add Filters
    • Locate the Filters section in the Engine Configuration panel.
    • Add a Category Filter.
    • Select in and add some categories in the last field. Here, we added the Shoes category.
  3. Add Amplifiers
    • Go to the Amplifiers section.
    • Add a Rating Amplifier.
    • Select high to low to favor products with higher ratings.
    • Add a Freshness Amplifier.
    • Select new to old to favor new products.
  4. Save the Engine Click the Create button to save the Engine you just configured.
Creating a “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.

Deploy the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine

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    1. Deploy the Engine Click Deploy now in the message that appears after saving the Engine. Alternatively:
      • Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations.
      • Search for and select the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.
      • Click the Deploy button.
    2. Configure Display Settings
      • In the Title field, enter “Still Looking For Shoes?”. This will be displayed above the recommended products.
      • Select a number of Product columns and Product rows for the product recommendations. Use the default settings to display a single row of 4 products.
    3. Choose Location Select the Location where you’d like the recommendations to appear. To display the recommendations after customer details on the order received page, choose Order Received > After Customer Details .
    4. Add Visibility Conditions To display the recommendations if the customer viewed, but didn’t purchase any products from a specific category:
      • Go to the Visibility Conditions section.
      • Add a Category condition.
      • Select not in order.
      • Add some categories in the last field. Here, we added the Shoes category.
      • Add a Recently Viewed Category condition.
      • Select in.
      • Add some categories in the last field. Here, we added the Shoes category.
      This ensures that the “Still Looking For Shoes?” recommendations will be offered only to customers who have viewed (but didn’t purchase any) products from the Shoes.
Deploying the "Still Looking For Shoes?" Engine
Deploying the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.
  1. Finalize the Deployment Click Deploy to deploy this Engine to the specified Location.


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Making Changes

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To edit the configuration of the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine:
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Engines.
  2. Locate and Edit the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.
  3. Update the Engine to save your changes.
Once you have saved an Engine, it is no longer possible to change its Engine Type.
To edit the Display Settings, Location, or Visibility Conditions of your recommendations:
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations.
  2. Go to the Order Received section.
  3. Click the After Customer Details tab.
  4. Expand the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine deployment and make changes as needed.
  5. Save your changes.
If you have only deployed a few Engines on your site, you may find it easier to locate and edit the Engine deployment by navigating to WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations > Overview.
Editing the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.
Editing the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine.
Editing the “Still Looking For Shoes?” Engine Deployment.


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Pair Your Offers with Coupons

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For greater impact, pair your recommendations with a coupon. To communicate your offer effectively, enter all necessary details in the Display Settings > Description field. Don’t forget the coupon code!

Don’t Overdo It

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Adding many recommendations to the same page or Location may reduce their impact and harm your store’s conversion rate. For this reason, Product Recommendations allows you to limit the maximum number of recommendation blocks offered per Location. To control this, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Recommendations and adjust the Recommendation Blocks Limit option. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to keep this value low, between 1 and 3. Remember that the extension prioritizes Engine deployments according to their relative position in the WooCommerce > Recommendations > Locations > [Page] > [Location] list. Try to position your best-performing Engine deployments higher, especially if you have entered a low value in the Recommendation Blocks Limit option. The Reports built into the extension will help you identify and prioritize the Engine deployments that perform better than others in the same Location.

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