New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Testimonials Plugin


This product is no longer sold on This document has been left available for existing users, but will no longer be updated.


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Testimonials by WooThemes is a free plugin that helps you organize and display customer testimonials on your website. You can install it through your WordPress dashboard in Plugins > Add New.

After installing and activating the plugin, you will see a new menu in your WordPress dashboard called Testimonials.

Testimonials by WooThemes

Adding a Testimonial

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To add a new testimonial, go to Testimonials > Add New:

  1. Add a name in the title field.
  2. Add a testimonial in the text editor.
  3. Add a Gravatar e-mail in the Testimonial Details panel. Setting a Featured Image will override the Gravatar image.
  4. Add a byline in the Testimonial Details panel.
  5. Add an URL in the Testimonial Details panel.
  6. Click Publish.

Instead of Gravatar, you can add an image through the “Featured Image” panel.

Adding a Testimony


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You have 3 options for displaying your Testimonials, you can insert them with a shortcode, widget, or add them via a php template file or custom plugin.


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To add your testimonials as a widget go to: Appearance > Widgets to find the Testimonials Widget. With this you can modify the following settings.

Testimonials Widget


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To insert testimonials into a post or page with a shortcode use the following example as a guide:

[woothemes_testimonials limit="10" size="100"]

You can find all the available parameters listed below. You can simply include these in your shortcode as well.

Note: You do not need to wrap the parameter for the shortcode in quotes. You should wrap the value in quotes however. Please use the example above as the guide.


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To display your testimonials via a theme or a custom plugin, please use the following code:

<?php do_action( 'woothemes_testimonials' ); ?>

Additional Parameters

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To add arguments to this, please use any of the following arguments, using the syntax provided below:

  • limit => 5 (the maximum number of items to display)
  • orderby => menu_order (how to order the items – accepts all default WordPress ordering options)
  • order => DESC (the order direction)
  • id => 0 (display a specific item)
  • display_author => true (whether or not to display the author information)
  • display_avatar => true (whether or not to display the author avatar)
  • display_url => true (whether or not to display the URL information)
  • echo => true (whether to display or return the data – useful with the template tag)
  • size => 50 (the pixel dimensions of the image)
  • per_row => 3 (when creating rows, how many items display in a single row?)
  • title => ” (an optional title)
  • before => <div> (the starting HTML, wrapping the testimonials)
  • after => </div> (the ending HTML, wrapping the testimonials)
  • before_title => <h2> (the starting HTML, wrapping the title)
  • after_title => </h2> (the ending HTML, wrapping the title)
  • category => 0 (the ID/slug of the category to filter by)

The testimonials ID can be found under Dashboard > Testimonials. From there, edit the testimonial you want to get the ID from. Once you do that, the URL will be In this case, 4 is the ID of the testimonial.

Similarly, the category ID can be found under Dashboard > Testimonials > Category. From there, edit the category you want to get the ID from. In the URL, you’ll find something like &tag_ID=6 with in this case 6 being the ID number you need.

The various options for the orderby  parameter are:

  • none
  • ID
  • title
  • date
  • menu_order
<?php do_action( 'woothemes_testimonials', array( 'limit' => 10, 'display_author' => false ) ); ?>

The same arguments apply to the shortcode which is [woothemes_testimonials] and the template tag, which is <?php woothemes_testimonials(); ?>.

Usage Examples

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Adjusting the limit and image dimension, using the arguments in the two possible methods:

do_action() call:

<?php do_action( 'woothemes_testimonials', array( 'limit' => 10, 'size' => 100 ) ); ?>

woothemes_testimonials() template tag:

<?php woothemes_testimonials( array( 'limit' => 10, 'size' => 100 ) ); ?>