Mix and Match 1.x: Configuration

This is legacy documentation for version 1.12 of Mix and Match Products


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  1. Ensure you have the latest version of WooCommerce.
  2. Unzip and upload the plugin’s folder to your /wp-content/plugins/directory.
  3. Activate the extension from the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Getting Started

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To create a Mix and Match product, start by choosing the new Mix and Match product type. For a fixed-price container you can set the price of the container via the Regular price setting. For “per-item” pricing the Regular price can also serve as an optional base price for the container.

product meta box displaying price options

Then, to configure your bundle, navigate to the Mix and Match tab.

Container Size Restrictions

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Mix and Match supports a minimum and maximum container size. To set the number of items required to complete a Mix and Match assortment, click the Mix and Match tab in the product data metabox. Enter the desired numbers in the Minimum container size and Maximum container size text fields.

WooCommerce Mix and Match product quantity size inputs in admin


  • For a fixed-size bundle (ie: a 6 pack) both the minimum and maximum container sizes should be set to the same number.
  • For an unlimited number of items (limited by stock quantities available) to be purchased in any one container, leave the Maximum container size empty.
  • For an empty container, set the Minimum container size to 0

Adding Products

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To add available products to your new Mix and Match assortment, navigate to the Mix and Match tab. In the Mix & Match Products field, enter the name of your product. Mix and Match will then return a list of potential matches for you to select. Click on the product to add it to the list of products that may be selected as part of the Mix and Match assortment container. Don’t forget to update the product to ensure new options are published.

WooCommerce Mix and Match product content selection inputs in admin product meta box

Supported Product Types

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Only Simple and fully defined Variation products are allowed in a Mix and Match container.

Mix and Match supports simple products and individual product variations with all attributes defined. Other product types (such as Variable, Grouped, External) and partially-defined variations with an any attribute are not allowed. For example, a supported variation would look like Shirt, Color: Blue but not Shirt, Color: Any.

Display Options

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Layout Options

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There is a new Layout option under the Mix and Match Products tab that allows you to change the single-product layout of your product by selecting:

  • the default Tabular layout you are familiar with; or
  • a Grid layout, ideal for displaying lots of product options.
WooCommerce Mix and Match Layout selection in admin product meta box

Form Location Options

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There is a new Form Location option under the Mix and Match Products tab that allows you to change the location of the add to cart form for your product by selecting:

  • the Default location that is typically in the Product Summary; or
  • an After summary option, that moves the add to cart form below the Product Summary.
Note: This feature may not work with themes that have already moved or customized the add to cart form location.
WooCommerce Mix and Match form location selection input in admin product meta box

Pricing & Shipping

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The Mix and Match product type provides a great deal of shipping and pricing flexibility:

  • It allows you to assign a flat price to a mix and match assortment with items or to dynamically calculate the price based on the quantities of the items selected.
  • It allows you to ship its contents as a single physical item, or individually.

The pricing and shipping properties of a Mix and Match product can be modified by configuring the Per-Item Pricing and Non-Bundled Shipping options, which appear in the Mix & Match panel.

Fixed vs. Per-Item Pricing

If you want to assign a fixed price to the Mix and Match product, regardless of content value, fill in the price fields as you would with any other product and leave the Per-Item Pricing box unchecked. User selections will have no effect on total price, if the assortment contains add-ons.

Even when using fixed pricing mode, all product options must have a price in order to be purchasable.

To create an assortment that is priced according to value of its contents and/or customer selection, the Per-Item Pricing checkbox must be checked. In this case, price fields in the General tab will be disabled, and total price for the Mix and Match assortment during Checkout will be the sum of individual item prices.

Base Price Options

Some assortments may come in a container that needs to contribute to the price of the overall assortment. For example, a fruit basket that comes in a fancy, wicker, basket would want to include the cost of the basket itself in the total price. When a Mix and Match assortment is set to Per-Item Pricing mode the regular price and sale price serve as base prices for the container and these prices will always be added to the dynamically calculated total price of the configured items.


Mix and Match assortments that are in per-item pricing mode support a flat, percentage discount. This percentage is applied to each product and only when the product is purchased as part of a Mix and Match assortment.

WooCommerce Mix and Match product discount configuration inputs in admin product meta box

By default, Mix and Match will apply this discount to the child product’s regular price. If you wish to discount from the child product’s sale price, you can use the following snippet in your theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_mnm_item_discount_from_regular', '__return_false' );

Bundled vs. Non-Bundled Shipping

If your Mix and Match product consists of items that are meant to be assembled or packaged together, then leave the Per-Item Shipping box unchecked and define the physical properties (dimensions, weight) and/or shipping class of the Mix and Match “container”, as you would with any other product.

If you leave the Per-Item Shipping checkbox empty, the weight of the assortment will be considered equal to the value specified in the Weight field, regardless of configuration.

If, however, the items contained in your Mix and Match assortment are shipped individually in their original packaging, the shipping properties of all packaged items must be retained. In this case, the Per-Item Shipping checkbox should be checked.

WooCommerce Mix and Match shipping mode inputs in admin product meta box
If all items in your Mix and Match assortment are virtual, you should leave the Per-Item Shipping option unchecked and mark the container as virtual.

Inventory Management

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By default, the sale of a product in a Mix and Match assortment will have the same effect on its stock as an individual sale – there are no separate inventory settings for individual assorted items. However, by clicking on the Inventory settings tab, stock management can be enabled at the Mix and Match container level. This can be useful for keeping track of Mix and Match assortment sales, or setting sale limits on the assortment as a whole.


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Example #1

The T-Shirt 6 Pack mix and match assortment is a great example of a group of items that are all very similar in cost and shipping weight and selling them together might be beneficial. The customer can choose any 6 tshirts from the 6 available shirts in any configuration he or she desires.  Don’t look good in red? Skip the Woo Logo shirt. Want a Woo Ninja shirt for the whole family? Set the Woo Ninja quantity to 6.

example mix and match tshirt pack
Mix and match T-shirt 6 pack
Note that:
  • The Ship Your Idea shirt is the black version of the variable Ship Your Idea product.

Example #2

The Assorted Fruit Basket mix and match assortment contains an unlimited number of pieces of fruit in a wicker basket. The customer can choose any number of pieces of fruit from the five available types to create a basket in any configuration he or she desires.  This basket is configured with “per item pricing” so that the price is calculated depending on what items are selected. For example, pineapples might be more expensive than limes. Also, the basket itself has a base price that is configured in the pricing data tab of the product metabox.

Mix and Match fruit basket with per-item pricing and base price
Mix and match fruit basket with per-item pricing and base price

Cart and Checkout

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The Cart and Checkout process of purchasing a Mix and Match product is as straightforward as with any other product. All individual items are added normally to the cart, organized under a container item – the Mix and Match container product.

In the cart the T-shirt 6 pack is comprised of 3 different t-shirts of varying quantities

In-cart quantity selectors of bundled items are disabled: The quantity of each item is always kept in sync with the quantity of the container – or, more precisely, the quantity of the container multiplied by the quantity of that particular item. Changes can be made by adjusting quantity at the container level only.

Exception: If a Mix and Match assortment contains an item that is sold individually, its quantity will be locked at 1 and the container quantity cannot be adjusted.

Note that the total price is displayed dynamically next to the Add to Cart button when per-item pricing is active.

Questions & Support

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Have a question before you buy? Please fill out this pre-sales form.

Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch the developer via the Help Desk.