Mix and Match Products

Mix and Match Products allows customers to create their own custom product assortments from a group of available products.

In contrast to other complex product types, Mix and Match products are grouped containers of a specific size, which customers configure by selecting a quantity for each product available in the assortment. This makes Mix and Match ideal for creating products like gift baskets and wine boxes.

Typical uses of the extension are:

  • marketing tool: If you want to sell a group of similar products, add them in a Mix and Match assortment and increase customer interest by offering them at a discount.
  • A tool to create configurable products: If you want to sell a product that consists of multiple parts, such as a box of a dozen donuts or a six-pack of beer, you can add these parts to a Mix and Match container.

The extension provides integration with many official WooCommerce extensions, such as Product Add-ons. More information at: Extensions Compatibility.

Minimum Requirements

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  • WooCommerce 3.6
  • PHP 5.6.20.

Documentation Contents

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If you run into issues while using WooCommerce Mix and Match:

  1. Ensure that the latest versions of all extensions and themes are installed. Go to WooCommerce > System Status – find the versions of plugins and other important information that may require your attention. If an update is available, it displays in red.
  2. Rule out a plugin or theme conflict. Turn off all plugins (except for WooCommerce and WooCommerce Mix and Match) and change to the Storefront theme, or a default WordPress theme such as Twenty Twenty Two. Is the issue still present?
    If not, re-activate plugins one by one until you find which is causing the issue.
    If the issue returns when you re-activate the theme, contact your theme author(s).
  3. Consult the WooCommerce Self Service Guide, located here.
  4. Check Frequently Asked Questions for Mix and Match Products, located here.

Questions & Support

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Have a question before you buy? Please fill out this pre-sales form.

Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with the developer via the Help Desk and include a clear description of the issue along with your System Report at WooCommerce > System Status > Get System Report.