New Woo brand announcement v2 | Feb 4, 2025

Added by Mahrie -

Next day delivery

This article explains how to set up the extension Order Delivery to offer next-day delivery for your orders. This option can be restricted to specific shipping methods and include a cut-off time.

The next-day delivery setup can vary depending on whether you need a minimum of time to process the orders (Option A) or not (Option B). In the following steps, we will indicate the difference in the setup:

1 – Minimum working days

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Option A

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Set the “Minimum working days” to one to indicate that products need time to be processed and ready to ship.

Minimum working days setting established to one

Option B

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Set the “Minimum working days” to zero to indicate that products don’t need to be processed and are ready to ship.

Minimum working days setting established to zero

2 – Shipping days

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In the “Shipping days” setting, enable the days you process orders and, optionally, add a cut-off time for each of them.

E.g., Monday to Thursday with a cut-off time at 13:00, and Fridays with a cut-off time at 12:00.

Setup example for the Shipping days
Example of Shipping days with cut-off times

When an order is received before the time defined in the option “Limit“, this one can be delivered on the next day. Otherwise, the first available delivery date will be two days later.

By leaving the option “Limit” empty, customers can receive their orders the next day, no matter the time they make the purchase.

3 – Delivery ranges

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Option A

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If you chose Option A in step 1, you must continue with this option.

Set a delivery range with the value 0 – X. You can use the default range or create a new one for specific shipping methods.

Setup example for the Delivery ranges
Same day delivery range

Option B

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If you chose Option B in step 1, you must continue with this option.

Set a delivery range with the value 1 – X. You can use the default range or create a new one for specific shipping methods.

Setup example for the Delivery ranges of next day
Next day delivery range

4 – Delivery days

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In the “Delivery days” setting, activate the days of the week when customers can receive their orders.

Setup example for the Delivery delivery
Delivery days setup

For each delivery day, you can define which shipping methods are available. For this example, we allowed only specific shipping methods of the shipping zone “Country“.

Shipping methods selector fields
Shipping methods options

Checkout form behavior

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Let’s suppose we are a customer and we are in the checkout form. After filling in the billing and shipping addresses, we select a shipping method that supports next-day delivery. Now, we focus on the delivery calendar field and check the available dates.

If the cut-off time defined in the “Shipping days” setting for the current weekday hasn’t been reached yet, then the date for tomorrow will be available in the calendar. Otherwise, the first date for delivery will be two days later.

Note: In this scenario, we assumed the two following days from today are delivery days. If it isn’t the case, the first available date on the calendar might be postponed beyond these two days.

If we want to add a cut-off time, having the previous scenario, in the Shipping days section, we will only have to write the time in the limit box.