In this guide, we will see the settings included in Order Delivery and how to set up this extension.
WordPress Settings
↑ Back to topOrder Delivery relies on some settings included in WordPress for handling the dates. So our first step is to configure these settings properly:
↑ Back to topThis setting indicates your store’s time zone, and it’s quite important to work with cut-off times, date localizations, etc.
You can find it under the section “Settings > General > Timezone” and its default value is UTC-0. So change it to your current timezone.
Note: It’s recommended to use a city name option instead of a generic UTC-X value. This way, the DST (Daylight saving time) changes are automatically applied if your country has one.
Date/Time Format
↑ Back to topBelow the Timezone option, you will find the Date Format and Time Format options. Choose a valid value for both of them.
Note: The date and time formats are just for localization purposes. Our extension always internally stores the dates and times in the standard ISO-8601.
Week Starts On
↑ Back to topOn the WordPress general settings page, you will also find the setting “Week Starts On“. As its name suggests, this setting allows you to define the first day of the week when displaying a calendar, and the Order Delivery datepickers use this value too.
WooCommerce Settings
↑ Back to topThere are also native WooCommerce settings we have to consider when working with delivery.
↑ Back to topOrder Delivery makes intense use of the shipping zones and the shipping methods provided by WooCommerce. So, it’s very important to understand how shipping works in WooCommerce and how to set it up properly.
In a nutshell, the shipping methods are grouped by zones. When a customer enters a shipping address during checkout, the first shipping zone matching the location is selected, and its shipping methods are displayed to the customer.
So, the order in which the shipping zones are positioned in the list matters. As a rule of thumb, sort the shipping zones based on how restrictive/specific their locations are. The more specific its location is, the higher it should be positioned in the list.
E.g: A shipping zone that matches just a few postcodes should go first in the list that the shipping zone that matches the whole city or country.
More info about WooCommerce Shipping here.
Order Delivery Settings
↑ Back to topAt this point, your WooCommerce store is ready to set up the Order Delivery extension.
After installing and activating it. The WooCommerce settings tab “Shipping” will be renamed to “Shipping & Delivery” So, go to “WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping & Delivery “ or click on the “Settings” link of the extension if you are on the plugins page.

Shipping Options
↑ Back to topFrom the “Shipping & Delivery” tab, go to the “Shipping Options” section.
This section is important to determine the shipping date (The date you submit your orders to your shipping carrier).

Minimum working days – The minimum number of days it takes you to process an order. If you can do it in less than 24 hours, leave this field to zero.
Shipping days – The shipping days and their time limit to ship orders. You can set the time limit to process an order on the same day.
Please, follow these rules to configure the setting correctly:
- Working days and shipping days are considered the same. Therefore, if you do not work on Sundays, disable this day.
- Disabled days are not counted as working days.
- Disable specific dates using the Shipping Calendar.
- If the day is enabled and a customer makes an order before the time limit, we assume that you can start to process this order on the current day.
- Otherwise, the order will be postponed to the next enabled day.
NOTE:Â It’s important to configure your WordPress timezone correctly. The Shipping Days setting uses your WordPress local time to calculate the time limit.
The shipping date is set to the first enabled day after the minimum working days.
Shipping Calendar
This calendar overwrites the default “Shipping Days” setting. You can access from “Shipping & Delivery > Shipping Calendar“.
It is useful to define:
- Holiday periods
- Bank holidays. (Days the shipping company won’t operate)
- Any other time/situation when orders won’t ship
Create events to disable specific dates.
Note: To create an event, drag or click the calendar and add a name to the event.

Delivery Options
This section is used to determine the date range to deliver an order. It is located below the “Shipping Options” and you can find the following settings:
Delivery ranges – Use this field to define the different delivery ranges for your shipping methods. More info here.

Checkout location – Choose the location in the checkout form where to display the delivery details.
Checkout options – Choose the option to be displayed on the checkout page.
- A text block with information about shipping and delivery.
- A calendar to let the customer choose a delivery date.
Checkout text – Stablish the text to show on the delivery details. You can define it as empty to don’t show a text.
If you choose the calendar option:
Delivery days – Define the available days for delivery and their conditions. This setting has a lot of options, here you can define the available shipping methods for each delivery day and divide them into time frames.

Maximum delivery range – Maximum days that the customer can choose from, starting on the current date, to receive the order. Later dates will be disabled. All days are used for this option, disabled or not.
Delivery fields – You can manage the behavior of the delivery fields in the checkout form with this setting. The options are:
- Optional: The delivery fields are optional. The default option.
- Required: The delivery fields are required.
Delivery Calendar
Go to “Shipping & Delivery > Delivery Calendar” to find it.
This calendar overwrites the default “Delivery Days” setting. You can also disable a date range for a specific country or state.
It is useful to define:
- Holidays periods in the country or state of the delivery
- Bank holidays
- Non-working days
- Any other time/situation when orders won’t be delivered
Create events to disable specific dates. You can also disable a date range for a specific country or state.
Note: To create an event, drag or click the calendar and add a name to the event.