Order Delivery Troubleshooting

This page answers the most frequently common issues about the Order Delivery for WooCommerce plugin.

The delivery fields don’t appear in the checkout form

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The delivery fields won’t appear in the checkout form for the following cases:

  • The order doesn’t need shipping. E.g., virtual products.
  • The selected shipping method is Local Pickup, and the setting “Enable for local pickup” is not enabled.
  • You entered a shipping address that doesn’t match any shipping zone of your configuration. Thus, no shipping methods are available. Enabling the setting “Shipping options > Debug mode” can help to fix that.
  • Your active theme or another plugin modifies the checkout form layout. In this case, try to change the location of the delivery fields with the setting “Checkout location“.

If you think none of these cases is the cause, please, verify you have enabled the Shipping option in your store and configured properly.

When I sort orders by shipping/delivery date, some disappear.

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As is the case when products are filtered by category. When sorting the orders by their shipping/delivery date, those without this information will not be displayed.
You can restore the list by clicking on the “All” link.

The time limit of the Shipping days is not working correctly.

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This setting uses WordPress local time. Please, make sure you have your WordPress in the correct timezone (Settings > Timezone). To avoid issues with the Daylight saving time (DST) changes, always as possible, try to select a city instead of a UTC zone directly.