Save new WooCommerce customers as leads in Salesforce with Zapier.
You need:
Install Zapier: To connect your WooCommerce store to Zapier, ensure that you have the
WooCommerce Zapier extension installed. Learn more about WooCommerce on Zapier at
Getting Started with Zapier and WooCommerce.
Select a Salesforce environment: To link Salesforce to WooCommerce using Zapier, you need to select a Salesforce environment. Learn more about Salesforce on Zapier at
Getting Started with Zapier and Salesforce.
Note: Salesforce requires a Last Name, and Company to create a Lead.
save new WooCommerce customers as Salesforce leads, connect your WooCommerce store to Salesforce.
Copy and paste the provided URL into the Webhook URL field on your WordPress dashboard.

Click the
Ok, continue button.
Click Ok, Continue again, when Zapier requests access.
Log into your Salesforce account with
Username and

5. Specify which WooCommerce fields will populate the Lead fields in Salesforce.

Click Save + Finish to complete the Zap.
Test the Zap to make sure it works.
Once you’re satisfied, WooCommerce customers are ready to be added as contacts to Salesforce!
If you want to alter the Salesforce and WooCommerce integration, go to
your Zapier dashboard and tweak anything you wish.
Check out everything that’s possible with
WooCommerce on Zapier, plus other ways to connect
Salesforce and WooCommerce.