Starting from Memberships 1.13.0, the CLI implementation has switched to WC REST API. While the legacy WP CLI commands will still work, they are currently deprecated and will be removed at a later date.
You can manage WooCommerce Memberships plans and members
via WP CLI if installed in your environment. There are two additional subcommands added to the WC CLI implementation:
For further details please see the CLI help topics:
wp help wc user_membership
wp help wc membership_plan
All versions can still use our legacy WP CLI implementation too. This will allow you to use the primary command of
wp wc memberships
followed by our sub-commands:
- memberships – manage user memberships
- plan – manage membership plans
If you are looking to create and edit membership plans, then you will need to
use the legacy CLI for the time being. You can also use
wp help wc memberships
for additional information and in-context help.
You can read plans with the
wp wc membership_plan
command |
function |
get |
Get a membership plan |
list |
List membership plans |
Get data associated with a membership plan by ID:
wp wc membership_plan get 123
field |
values |
field |
string – the field to get values for, e.g., --field="members_count" (slug, id, name, type, length, members_count, etc) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to get values for, e.g., --fields="slug,members_count" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, json, csv) |
Get plan examples
wp wc membership_plan get 246
- Gets all fields for plan 246
wp wc membership_plan get 343 --fields="id,slug,type,length,members_count"
- Gets a selection of fields for plan 343
wp wc membership_plan get 8761 --format="json"
- Gets plan data for membership plan 8761 in JSON formation
Lists data associated with membership plans:
wp wc membership_plan list
field |
values |
field |
string – print the value of a single field for all plans, e.g., --field="members_count" (slug, id, name, type, length, product_ids, members_count, status, start_date, end_date) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to print values for, e.g., --fields="slug,members_count" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, csv, json, count, ids) |
Plan list examples
wp wc membership_plan list
- Outputs a table of default data for all plans
wp wc membership_plan list --format="csv"
- Provides a CSV formatted result of all membership plans
wp wc membership_plan list --fields="slug,members_count"
- Outputs a list of plans with only the slug and member count.
You can manage user memberships with
wp wc user_membership
command |
function |
create |
Create a new user membership |
delete |
Delete an existing user membership |
get |
Get a user membership |
list |
List user memberships |
import |
Import user memberships |
update |
Update one or more user memberships |
Allows you to create new user membership.
field |
required? |
values |
customer_id |
yes |
int – the user ID for the member, e.g., --customer_id=22 |
plan_id |
yes |
int|string – plan ID or slug, e.g., --plan_id="silver-plan" |
status |
no |
string – membership status, e.g., --status="paused" |
order_id |
no |
int – ID of order that granted access, e.g., --order_id=123 |
product_id |
no |
int – ID of product that granted access, e.g., --product_id=46 |
start_date_gmt |
no |
string – start date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-01-01" |
end_date_gmt |
no |
string – end date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-12-31" |
cancelled_date_gmt |
no |
string – cancellation date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-01-01" |
paused_date_gmt |
no |
string – last paused date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-12-31" |
meta_data |
no |
array – any WordPress post meta data to be set on the membership. Each array item has an “id” (integer), a “key” (string) and a “value” (either a boolean, an integer, or string, which could also represent serialized data). |
subscription_id |
no |
int – ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription_id=125 |
subscription |
no |
int – ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription=125 |
installment_plan |
no |
string – if the user membership should be part of an installment plan (“Y” or “N”) e.g., --installment_plan="Y" |
User Membership creation examples
wp wc user_membership create --customer_id=83 --plan_id=238
- Creates an unlimited membership for user 83 to plan 238
wp wc user_membership create --customer_id=101 --plan_id="silver" --start_date_gmt="2016-01-01" --end_date_gmt="2016-06-30" --status="expired"
- Creates an expired silver membership for user 101 that started on Jan 1, 2016, and ended on June 30, 2016
Deletes a user membership using ID:
wp wc user_membership delete 101
You can also delete all members at once:
wp wc user_membership delete $(wp wc user_membership list --format=ids)
Allows you to update user memberships using the user membership ID:
wp wc user_membership update 9809
field |
values |
plan_id |
int|string – new plan plan ID or slug, e.g., --plan_id="gold-plan" |
status |
string – updated membership status, e.g., --status="cancelled" |
start_date_gmt |
string – updated start date for the user membership, e.g., "2017-07-01" |
end_date_gmt |
string – updated end date for the user membership, e.g., "2018-07-01" |
paused_date_gmt |
string – last paused date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-12-31" |
cancelled_date_gmt |
string – cancellation date for the user membership in UTC, e.g., "2017-01-01" |
meta_data |
array – any WordPress post meta data to be set on the membership. Each array item has an “id” (integer), a “key” (string) and a “value” (either a boolean, an integer, or string, which could also represent serialized data). |
subscription_id |
int – ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription_id=125 |
subscription |
int – ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription=125 |
installment_plan |
string – if the user membership should be part of an installment plan (“Y” or “N”) e.g., --installment_plan="Y" |
User Membership update examples
wp wc user_membership update 8762 --end_date_gmt="2017-01-01" --status="active"
- Updates the end date and status of user membership 8762
wp wc user_membership update 776 --plan_id=126
- Changes user membership 776 to use plan 126
Get data associated with a user membership by ID:
wp wc user_membership get 653
field |
values |
field |
string – the field to get values for, e.g., --field="status" (id, user_id, plan_id, plan, status, start_date, end_date) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to get values for, e.g., --fields="plan,status" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, json, csv) |
Get user membership examples
wp wc user_membership get 848
- Gets all fields for user membership 848
wp wc user_membership get 848 --fields="plan,status"
- Gets the plan and status for user membership 848
wp wc user_membership get 848 --format="json"
- Gets data for user membership 848 in JSON formation
Lists data associated with all user memberships:
wp wc user_membership list
field |
values |
field |
string – print the value of a single field for all memberships, e.g., --field="user_id" (id, user_id, plan_id, plan, status, start_date, end_date, subscription) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to print values for, e.g., --fields="plan,status" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, csv, json, count, ids) |
User Membership list examples
wp wc user_membership list
- Outputs a table of default data for all memberships
wp wc user_membership list --format="csv"
- Provides a CSV formatted result of all user memberships
wp wc user_membership list --fields="plan_id, status"
- Outputs a list of memberships with only the plan ID and membership status.
Import a csv file of user_memberships to be created or merged:
wp wc user_membership import user_memberships.csv
field |
values |
fields_delimiter |
string – the field delimiter used in the CSV file, e.g., --fields_delimiter="|" |
timezone |
string – the timezone in which all dates from imported CSV data are assumed to be (defaults to the current site timezone) |
default_start_date |
string – default start date of imported user memberships when a date is not specified from CSV data (defaults to today’s date), e.g., "2018-07-01" |
create_new_memberships |
string – if new memberships should be created if not found from CSV data, (“yes” or “no”) e.g., --create_new_memberships="yes" |
merge_existing_memberships |
string – if memberships should be merged when matching data is found from the CSV file, (“yes” or “no”) e.g., --merge_existing_memberships="yes" |
allow_memberships_transfer |
string – allow transferring user memberships between users if a different owner is specified in CSV data, (“yes” or “no”) e.g., --allow_memberships_transfer="yes" |
create_new_users |
string – if users should be created from CSV data when no existing user could be found, (“yes” or “no”) e.g., --create_new_users="no" |
notify_new_users |
string – whether to send email notifications when a new user is created during an import process, (“yes” or “no”) e.g., --notify_new_users="no" |
Versions prior to 1.13.0 can still use our legacy WP CLI implementation. We would recommend updating any command line tooling to the updated WC REST API implementation where possible, as the following commands are now considered deprecated and will be removed at a later date.
You can manage plans with
wp wc memberships plan
command |
function |
create |
Create a new membership plan |
delete |
Delete an existing membership plan |
update |
Update one or more membership plans |
get |
Get a membership plan |
list |
List membership plans |
Allows you to create new membership plans.
field |
required? |
values |
name |
yes |
string – plan name, e.g., "Silver Plan" |
slug |
no |
string – plan slug, e.g., "silver-plan" |
access |
no |
string – way access is granted, e.g., "signup" (free or signup, purchase, manual-only) |
length |
no |
string – plan duration (if set-length plan), e.g., "2 months" |
product |
no |
int – comma-separated list of IDs that grant access, e.g., 123,409,8392 |
start_date |
no |
string – start date for membership (fixed dates), e.g., "2017-01-01" |
end_date |
no |
string – end date for membership (fixed dates), e.g., "2017-12-31" |
status |
no |
string – plan post status, e.g., "draft" |
Plan create examples
wp wc memberships plan create --name="Gold Membership"
- Creates an admin-assign only, unlimited plan named “Gold Membership”
wp wc memberships plan create --name="Silver" --slug="silver-plan" --length="1 month" --product=123,456,6780
- Create a “Silver” plan that lasts 1 month, and grants access via purchase of products 123, 456, or 6780
wp wc memberships plan create --name="Bronze Plan" --start_date="2017-10-01" --end_date="2018-08-25"
- Create a “Bronze Plan” that is accessed via admin assign only, and runs from Oct 1, 2017 to August 25, 2018
wp wc memberships plan create --name="Free Plan" --access="free"
- Create a “Free Plan” that grants access upon registration and is unlimited in length.
Deletes a membership plan using ID:
wp wc memberships plan delete 123
You can also delete all plans at once:
wp wc memberships plan delete $(wp wc memberships plan list --format=ids)
Allows you to update membership plans using the plan ID:
wp wc memberships plan update 123
field |
values |
name |
string – new plan name, e.g., "Silver Plan" |
slug |
string – new plan slug, e.g., "silver-plan" |
access |
string – new access method, e.g., "signup" (free or signup, purchase, manual-only) |
length |
string – new plan duration (set-length plan), e.g., "2 months" |
product |
int – comma-separated list of IDs that now grant access, e.g., 123,409,8392 |
start_date |
string – new start date for membership (fixed dates), e.g., "2017-01-01" |
end_date |
string – new end date for membership (fixed dates), e.g., "2017-12-31" |
status |
string – new plan post status, e.g., "publish" |
Plan update examples
wp wc memberships plan update 987 --name="New Name"
- Updates the plan name of membership plan 987
wp wc memberships plan update 8762 --start_date="2016-01-01" --end_date="2016-12-31"
- Updates the start and end dates of plan 8762
wp wc memberships plan update 333 --access="signup"
- Changes plan 333 to grant access at registration
Get data associated with a membership plan by ID:
wp wc memberships plan get 123
field |
values |
field |
string – the field to get values for, e.g., --field="members_count" (slug, id, name, type, length, members_count, etc) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to get values for, e.g., --fields="slug,members_count" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, json, csv) |
Get plan examples
wp wc memberships plan get 246
- Gets all fields for plan 246
wp wc memberships plan get 343 --fields="id,slug,type,length,members_count"
- Gets a selection of fields for plan 343
wp wc memberships plan get 8761 --format="json"
- Gets plan data for membership plan 8761 in JSON formation
Lists data associated with membership plans:
wp wc memberships plan list
field |
values |
field |
string – print the value of a single field for all plans, e.g., --field="members_count" (slug, id, name, type, length, product_ids, members_count, status, start_date, end_date) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to print values for, e.g., --fields="slug,members_count" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, csv, json, count, ids) |
Plan list examples
wp wc memberships plan list
- Outputs a table of default data for all plans
wp wc memberships plan list --format="csv"
- Provides a CSV formatted result of all membership plans
wp wc memberships plan list --fields="slug,members_count"
- Outputs a list of plans with only the slug and member count.
You can manage user memberships with
wp wc memberships membership
command |
function |
create |
Create a new user membership |
delete |
Delete an existing user membership |
update |
Update one or more user memberships |
get |
Get a user membership |
list |
List user memberships |
Allows you to create new user membership.
field |
required? |
values |
customer |
yes |
int – the user ID for the member, e.g., --customer=22 |
plan |
yes |
int|string – plan ID or slug, e.g., --plan="silver-plan" |
order |
no |
int – ID of order that granted access, e.g., --order=123 |
product |
no |
int – ID of product that granted access, e.g., --product=46 |
subscription |
no |
int – ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription=125 |
status |
no |
string – membership status, e.g., --status="paused" |
start_date |
no |
string – start date for the user membership, e.g., "2017-01-01" |
end_date |
no |
string – end date for the user membership, e.g., "2017-12-31" |
Membership creation examples
wp wc memberships membership create --customer=83 --plan=238
- Creates an unlimited membership for user 83 to plan 238
wp wc memberships membership create --customer=101 --plan="silver" --start_date="2016-01-01" --end_date="2016-06-30" --status="expired"
- Creates an expired silver membership for user 101 that started on Jan 1, 2016, and ended on June 30, 2016
Deletes a user membership using ID:
wp wc memberships membership delete 101
You can also delete all members at once:
wp wc memberships membership delete $(wp wc memberships membership list --format=ids)
Allows you to update user memberships using the user membership ID:
wp wc memberships membership update 9809
field |
values |
customer |
int – transfer the membership to a new user, --customer=296 |
plan |
int|string – new plan plan ID or slug, e.g., --plan="gold-plan" |
order |
int – updated ID of order that granted access, e.g., --order=236 |
product |
int – updated ID of product that granted access, e.g., --product=502 |
subscription |
int – updated ID of subscription the membership is tied to, e.g., --subscription=9862 |
status |
string – updated membership status, e.g., --status="cancelled" |
start_date |
string – updated start date for the user membership, e.g., "2017-07-01" |
end_date |
string – updated end date for the user membership, e.g., "2018-07-01" |
Membership update examples
wp wc memberships membership update 232 --customer=876
- Transfers user membership 232 to user 876
wp wc memberships membership update 8762 --end_date="2017-01-01" --status="active"
- Updates the end date and status of user membership 8762
wp wc memberships membership update 776 --plan=126
- Changes user membership 776 to use plan 126
Get data associated with a user membership by ID:
wp wc memberships membership get 653
field |
values |
field |
string – the field to get values for, e.g., --field="status" (id, user_id, plan_id, plan, status, start_date, end_date) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to get values for, e.g., --fields="plan,status" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, json, csv) |
Get membership examples
wp wc memberships membership get 848
- Gets all fields for user membership 848
wp wc memberships membership get 848 --fields="plan,status"
- Gets the plan and status for user membership 848
wp wc memberships membership get 848 --format="json"
- Gets data for user membership 848 in JSON formation
Lists data associated with all user memberships:
wp wc memberships membership list
field |
values |
field |
string – print the value of a single field for all memberships, e.g., --field="user_id" (id, user_id, plan_id, plan, status, start_date, end_date, subscription) |
fields |
string – comma-separated list of fields to print values for, e.g., --fields="plan,status" |
format |
string – the desired format for requested date, e.g., --format="json" (table, csv, json, count, ids) |
User membership list examples
wp wc memberships memberships list
- Outputs a table of default data for all memberships
wp wc memberships memberships list --format="csv"
- Provides a CSV formatted result of all user memberships
wp wc memberships memberships list --fields="plan_id, status"
- Outputs a list of memberships with only the plan ID and membership status.
Here’s a helpful community plugin to replicate the CSV Import functionality of Memberships via the command line. This is a nifty tool for developers to allow them to import memberships via the command line without timeouts, helpful for large data sets.
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