Use Case: Connect WooCommerce and Xero using Zapier


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Set up WooCommerce, Xero, and Zapier to create a sales invoice when an order is placed on a WooCommerce store.


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  1. A WooCommerce powered store.
  2. A account: Xero is cloud-based accounting software designed for small businesses.
  3. A Zapier account: Zapier is a web-based automation tool that allows you to connect different apps and automate workflows.
  4. The WooCommerce Zapier extension: This plugin allows you to connect your WooCommerce store with Zapier.


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Install and Activate WooCommerce Zapier

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To install and activate WooCommerce Zapier, follow the steps below:

Create a Zap in Zapier

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To create a Zap in Zapier, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Zapier website and create an account if you haven’t already.
  • Click on Make a Zap in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Choose WooCommerce as the trigger app and New Order as the trigger event.
  • Connect your WooCommerce store to Zapier by following the prompts.
  • Choose Xero as the action app and Create Invoice as the action event.
  • Connect your Xero account to Zapier by following the prompts.

Map the Fields in Zapier

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To map the fields in Zapier, follow the steps below:

  • Choose the Xero account where you want to create that sales invoice.
  • Map the relevant fields such as customer name (e.g. Billing Name & Billing Surname), invoice number (e.g. ID), line item title, price, and order totals.
  • In the “Account Code” field, enter the account code for the Xero account where you want to add the sale to be recorded.

Test and Enable the Zap

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To test and enable the Zap, follow the steps below:

  • Click on “Test and Continue” in Zapier.
  • If the test is successful, click on “Turn on Zap” to enable the Zap.
  • Place an order on your WooCommerce store to test the Zap.

Congratulations! You have now set up WooCommerce, Xero, and Zapier to add an invoice to a Xero account when an order is placed on your WooCommerce store.