Move to Klarna’s new and improved platform

Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce and Klarna Payments for WooCommerce have quite recently been released. These plugins replaces the old WooCommerce Klarna gateway. As a merchant it’s recommended that you switch from the old plugin to one of the two new plugins.
To start the transition process you need to apply for it. Klick here to start the transition process.

What is the difference between the old and the new platform?

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Klarna Checkout

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  • The new plugin adds support for Klarnas Global Checkout feature, making it possible to sell to customers in 168 different countries.
  • The new plugin does not require a separate checkout page and no custom shortcode. In a large extent it follows the standard WooCommerce checkout flow.
  • Better support for handling additional checkout fields.

Klarna Payments

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  • Klarna Payments offers all of Klarnas available payment methods but as traditional payment methods in the regular checkout.
  • The old system KPM (invoice and part payment) are now being replaced with Klarna Payments.
Before you make the switch it’s a good idea to make sure that other services you’ve integrated with (ERP systems and similar) supports the new platform.

Upgrade your current Klarna Checkout to the latest version on the new platform

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This applies for merchants selling in SE, NO, FI, DE, & AT.
  1. Clone your current website and set up a test/staging environment.
  2. Create a Klarna test account.
  3. Start the transition process at Klarna.
  4. Deactivate the old Klarna plugin or, if you still need to have order management enabled for old orders, just disable Klarna Checkout in the plugin settings.
  5. Install and activate the new Klarna Checkout plugin.
  6. Download and activate the Klarna Order Management plugin (used for handling orders in Klarnas system directly from WooCommerce).
  7. Configure the new plugin by following the plugin documentation.
  8. Delete the old Klarna Checkout page (the new plugin uses WooCommerce’s standard checkout page).
  9. Do a couple of test purchases. Make sure the orders looks the same in both WooCommerce and Klarnas system.
  10. When you get a new live platform account from Klarna – repeat step 4-9 on your live site.
  11. Contact Klarna to get your store approved.
  12. Start selling in your store.

Upgrade your current Klarna Checkout to the latest version on the new platform

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This applies for merchants selling in US, UK, DK & NL.
  1. Clone your current website and set up a test/staging environment.
  2. Create a Klarna test account.
  3. Deactivate the old Klarna plugin or, if you still need to have order management enabled for old orders, just disable Klarna Checkout in the plugin settings.
  4. Install and activate the new Klarna Checkout plugin.
  5. Download and activate the Klarna Order Management plugin (used for handling orders in Klarnas system directly from WooCommerce).
  6. Configure the new plugin by following the plugin documentation.
  7. Delete the old Klarna Checkout page (the new plugin uses WooCommerce’s standard checkout page).
  8. Do a couple of test purchases. Make sure the orders looks the same in both WooCommerce and Klarnas system.
  9. Repeat step 4-9 on your live site. For US, UK, DK & NL merchants v3 is already used in the old plugin. When you’re ready to go live you can therefore just copy and paste your current credentials from the old plugin to the new.
  10. Start selling in your store.

Upgrade your current standalone payments to Klarna Payments on the new platform

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  1. Clone your current website and set up a test/staging environment.
  2. Create a test account.
  3. Start the transition process at Klarna.
  4. Deactivate the old Klarna plugin or, if you still need to have order management enabled for old orders, just disable Klarna Checkout in the plugin settings.
  5. Install and activate the new Klarna Payments plugin.
  6. Download and activate the Klarna Order Management plugin (used for handling orders in Klarnas system directly from WooCommerce).
  7. Configure the new plugin by following the plugin documentation.
  8. Do a couple of test purchases. Make sure the orders looks the same in both WooCommerce and Klarnas system.
  9. When you get a new live platform account from Klarna – repeat step 4-9 on your live site.
  10. Contact Klarna to get your store approved.
  11. Start selling in your store.

Order management for both plugins during transition

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During a transition period you might need to have order management available for both the old and the new Klarna plugin. This can be enabled by doing the following:
  1. Keep the old Klarna plugin Active.
  2. Navigate to –> WooCommerce –> Settings –> Checkout and select Klarna Checkout.
  3. Un-check the Enable checkbox.
  4. Save the settings.
  5. When you have activated/refunded the last order created via the old plugin, deactivate the plugin and delete it from your WordPress installation.