Products Add-ons Integration for Photography

WooCommerce Photography works with our Products Add-ons extension, letting you create any type of add-on for a collection of photos. You’ll need to purchase both WooCommerce Photography & Product Add-ons, then after installing the two plugins, you can create global add-ons for your collection by doing the following:

  1. Go to Products > Global Add-Ons > Add Global Add-on
  2. Name your set of Global Add-Ons in the Global Add-on Reference.
  3. Set your Priority. This will determine the order in which multiple groups of addons get displayed on the frontend.
  4. Choose which Photography Collection to add them to in the Applied to field.
  5. Add which add-ons you would like associated to this Global Add-on group.
  6. Select Save Global Add-ons.
photography-and-add-ons For more information on what options are available with Product Add-Ons, please visit the Product Add-Ons documentation.