2Checkout Inline Checkout

2Checkout Inline Checkout creates an iFrame checkout option that displays a secure payment form inside your WooCommerce store and allows you to process transactions from 196 countries using 26 currencies and 15 languages.

Note: This product is no longer for sale at WooCommerce.com. Documentation is not being updated.


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  1. Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Install Now and Activate.
More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.


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  • A 2Checkout account – go to www.2checkout.com and Sign Up or Log In if you have an existing account

Sign up with 2Checkout

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In the 2Checkout Seller Area, find your Account Number at the top right of the screen by clicking the profile icon: 2checkout-account-number
  1. Go to Account > Site Management.
  2. Set the Direct Return as Header Redirect (Your URL).
  3. Enter the Approved URL. For example:
  4. Enter a strong Secret Word.
2checkout-account-site-management Set up the Notification URL. Click the following button: 2Checkout notifications button Enable the Order Created, Fraud Status Changed, Invoice Status Changed and Refund Issued options and set the URLs. For example:

Setup and Configuration

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  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Note: ‘Payments’ formerly called ‘Checkout’ prior to WooCommerce 3.4.
  2. Use the toggle under Enabled to select 2Checkout Inline.
  3. Select Set Up. You are taken to the 2Checkout – Inline settings.
  4. Configure your settings:
    • Enable/Disable – Enable to use. Disable to turn off.
    • Title – Choose the title shown to customers during checkout
    • Description – Add info shown to customers if they use 2Checkout – Inline
    • Account Number and Secret Word – From your 2Checkout account
    • Invoice Prefix – Useful if you run multiple stores/locations or need designation
  5. Gateway Testing
    • Sandbox – Tick the box to enable Test mode. Untick to return to Live mode.
    • Debug Log – Tick the box to enable logging for troubleshooting.
  6. Save changes.