How to create and assign affiliate tags

Affiliate for WooCommerce plugin helps you to add, manage affiliates, and track performance from a single place – commissions, sales, payouts, leaderboard, etc. Earn money without hard work. Increase your brand outreach, and get potential customers.

Affiliate tags offer a powerful way to organize and manage groups of affiliates.

For example, you can assign the ‘Influencer’ tag to your top-performing affiliates, the ‘Active’ tag who bring decent sales regularly, the ‘Dormant’ tag to those who don’t bring sales, and so on.

You can create and assign tags to your affiliates, set up commission rules based on these tags, and use them to search for specific affiliates.

This document will guide you through the process of managing and using affiliate tags.

How to create affiliate tags?

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  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Dashboard.
  2. Click on the ‘Manage affiliate tags’ icon located at the top right.
    1. A link to ‘Manage Tags’ is also available on the top right of WordPress admin >  WooCommerce > Settings > Affiliate. Just before the Documentation link.
  3. You’ll find a few predefined tags like Active, Bronze, Dormant, Gold, Influencer, Platinum, Promoter, and Silver.
  4. To add a new tag, enter the Name, Description, etc under ‘Add New Affiliate Tag’.
    1. We suggest writing a description for each tag to identify the purpose of the tag.
  5. Click on the ‘Add New Affiliate Tag’ button to create the tag.

Your new tag will be added to the table on the right, and you can search for tags from the search bar.

You can also edit, view, or delete tags by selecting the relevant action under each tag name from the table.

How to assign the tags to affiliates?

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  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Dashboard.
  2. Select the affiliate you want to assign tags to and click on their ‘Profile’ tab.
  3. Under ‘Referral Details’, you will find ‘Tags‘ and a search box next to it.
  4. Search and select the tags in that box.
  5. Click on the ‘Update’ button from the top right to save changes.


If you search and select a tag name that is not present/created, it will create a new tag once you click on the Update button.

How to remove tags from affiliates?

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  1. Go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Affiliates > Dashboard.
  2. Select the desired affiliate and click on their ‘Profile’ tab.
  3. Under ‘Referral Details’, you will find already assigned tags in the box next to ‘Tags‘.
  4. You can remove a tag by clicking on the x icon at the left of each tag name.
  5. Then click on the ‘Update’ button from the top right to save changes.

How to search affiliates by tags?

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Visit this documentation to learn more about searching and filtering affiliates based on tags, and other criteria.

How to set commission rates based on affiliate tags?

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Visit this documentation to set different affiliate commission rates for affiliate tags/affiliate groups using commission plans.

Feature request

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