Getting Started with Contact Details

Note: This product has been retired and is no longer available for download.


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Contact Details is a free plugin for displaying contact details on your website. You can install it through your WordPress admin dashboard in Plugins > Add New. After installing the plugin, you will see a new menu item in your WP dashboard under the Settings -> Contact Details. Contact Details settings

Adding Contact Details

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To add contact details, go to Settings > Contact Details:

  1. Add general contact details under the Contact Details tab
  2. Click Save
  3. Add map contact details under the Map Details tab
  4. Click Save
If you leave any of the contact details blank, they will simply not display on the frontend.


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You have 3 options for displaying your contact details, you can insert them with a shortcode, widget or insert them directly into a php template file or custom plugin using a template tag/action.


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To add your contact details as a widget go to: Appearance > Widgets to find the Contact Details by WooThemes Widget. With this you can modify the following settings:
  1. Title (optional)
  2. Output
    1. All Contact Details
    2. Location Details
    3. Social Media links
    4. Google Map
Contact Details widget


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To insert contact details into a post or page with a shortcode use the following example as a guide:
[contact_details display="all"]
You can find all of the available parameters listed below. You can simply include these in your shortcode as well.
Please note: You do not need to wrap the parameter for the shortcode in quotes. You should wrap the value in quotes however. Please use the example above as the guide.


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To display your contact details via a theme or a custom plugin, please use the following code:
<?php do_action( 'contact_details' ); ?>

Additional Parameters

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To add arguments to this, please use any of the following arguments, using the syntax provided below:
  • ‘display’ => ‘all’ (outputs all 3 contact details areas)
The various options for the “display” parameter are:
  • ‘all’
  • ‘details’ -> outputs general location details
  • ‘social’ -> outputs links to Twitter and Facebook profiles
  • ‘map’ -> outputs a Google Map of your location
<?php do_action( 'contact_details', array( 'display' => 'details' ) ); ?>
The same arguments apply to the shortcode which is [contact_details] and the template tag, which is <?php contact_details(); ?>.

Usage Examples

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Adjusting the display output, using the arguments in the 2 possible methods: do_action() call:
<?php do_action( 'contact_details', array( 'display' => 'details' ) ); ?>
contact_details() template tag:
<?php contact_details( array( 'display' => 'details' ) ); ?>


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The plugin looks unstyled when I activate it. Why is this?

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“Contact Details by WooThemes” is a lean plugin that aims to keep it’s purpose as clean and clear as possible. Thus, we don’t load any preset CSS styling, to allow full control over the styling within your theme or child theme. We have a basic tutorial which will help you getting started with styling by applying layout to the contact details output

I need to add my own output to the contact details. How do I do that?

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Yesiree! You can add in your own custom code before and after each contact details area. Here is a list of the places you can do that: Before actions – pre_contact_details_output – pre_contact_details_location_output – pre_contact_details_social_output – pre_contact_details_map_output After Actions – post_contact_details_output – post_contact_details_location_output – post_contact_details_social_output – post_contact_details_map_output Example: To add a custom message before the map area on the frontend, add the following to your themes functions.php file:
add_action( 'pre_contact_details_map_output', 'my_contact_details_map_message' );
function my_contact_details_map_message() {
    $message = '<p>' . __( 'Use this map to visit us!', 'contact-details-by-woothemes' ) . '</p>';
    echo $message;

How do I contribute?

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We encourage everyone to contribute their ideas, thoughts and code snippets. This can be done by forking the repository over at GitHub.