Google Product Feed – Product Review Feeds

As well as simply transferring product data to Google Merchant Centre, the extension also includes support for Google’s Product Review Feeds. This allows you to send a feed to Google with details of all of your customer reviews, which can then enhance your product listing ads.

Before you start

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Before starting, you will need to apply to Google’s product review feed program.

Set up & configuration

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You can create a product review feed in your WooCommerce settings, under WooCommerce > Product Feeds. Click on “Add New”, and set the type to “Google merchant centre product review feed”, e.g. That’s the only configuration required on the WooCommerce side – just take a note of the feed URL shown after you save, as you’ll need it when setting up your review feed in Google Merchant Center.

Adding your feed to Google Merchant Centre

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Once you’ve been accepted onto the Google Product Review program, and have enabled your feed, you’ll need to set it up inside Google Merchant Center.

  • Log in to your Merchant Center account
  • Go to: Marketing > Product Reviews > Feeds
  • Click the blue + button
  • Enter the feed name woocommerce-review.xml and make sure that Scheduled Fetch is selected before clicking Continue
  • Enter the filename, choose a fetch time, and enter the feed URL you noted earlier
Once that is completed, then Google will fetch and validate your feed and contact you if there are any issues.