Klarna – order management

Klarna logo When an order is created in WooCommerce and a order number exists in Klarna’s system, you have the option to handle the order management in Klarna directly from the WooCommerce shop admin. This keeps Woo shop and Klarna order data in synch, and saves time to avoid having to update both systems manually.

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The Klarna order is created via a different plugin, e.g.:


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To get started with order management in Klarna via your WooCommerce store, you need to download and activate the Klarna Order Management for WooCommerce add on plugin. This plugin does not have any specific settings, instead it should work once activated using settings from the Klarna or Klarna Checkout plugin.

Capture an order

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  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerceOrders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a Status selectbox. Change the Status to Completed.
  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
  5. If everything was successful, a new order note is created with information about the invoice number.
The plugin does not support partial captures.

Cancel an order

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  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerceOrders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a Status selectbox. Change the status to Cancelled.
  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
  5. If everything was successful, a new order note saying Klarna order cancellation completed is created.

Refund an order

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  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Completed.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerceOrders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order items box, press the Refund button.
  4. To make a full refund for the entire order, enter the Order total amount in the Refund amount text field. To refund a specific order item, modify the price or quantity of the desired product.
  5. Press the Refund via Klarna for WooCommerce button.
  6. If everything was successful, a new order note is created with information about the refund in Klarna’s system.

Update an order

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  1. Updating an order is not supported of the Klarna order was already captured, thus the WooCommerce order status can’t be set to Completed yet.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerceOrders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Order status. Change the status to On hold.
  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
  5. Edit the order item lines.
  6. Press the Save button below the order items box.
  7. You might need to press the Calculate Taxes / Calculate Total buttons.
  8. Change the status to Processing.
  9. Press the Update button
  10. The order is now updated, both in WooCommerce and Klarna’s system.