↑ Back to topPlease be aware that this document is meant for developers to use as a reference, and some of these code samples are structural samples rather than working snippets. We do not support or do plugin customizations as per our support policy. You can get in touch with an expert for help with customizations.
If you need help changing this code or extending it, we recommend getting in touch with a WooExpert.
Customization Best Practices
↑ Back to topFile Name / Format Filters
↑ Back to topFile Name
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_{$output_type}_filename', $post_replace_filename, $pre_replace_filename, $ids );Use this filter to change the generated file name for the specified
which can be ‘csv’ or ‘xml’.
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_filename', $post_replace_filename, $pre_replace_filename, $ids );Use this filter to change the generated file name for all output types. Both these filters affect the file name for both downloads and uploads, but not HTTP POST (which has no file name). Here’s some sample code for changing the date/time format of the
Here’s some sample code for adding a %%order_numbers%%
filename variable so the order numbers support Sequential Order Numbers:
You can also add merge variables for the file name.
apply_filters( "wc_customer_order_export_{$output_type}_filename_variables", $variables, $ids, $export_type );Use this filter to add variables into the array of accepted merge tag variables for the specified
apply_filters( "wc_customer_order_export_filename_variables", $variables, $ids, $export_type );Use this filter to add variables into the array of accepted merge tag variables for all output types.
Output Formats
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_format_definition', $definition, $export_type, $format, $output_type );Use this filter to change the format definitions. For example, if your XML requires special character support and you need to change the character encoding. See this example snippet as a starting point.
CSV Order Output
↑ Back to topCSV Delimiter
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_csv_delimiter', ',', $this );Use this filter to change the CSV delimiter. This is a comma (
) by default.
CSV Enclosure
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_csv_enclosure', '"', $this );Use this filter to change the CSV enclosure. This is a double-quote (
) by default.
Enabling BOM (byte-order mark)
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_csv_enable_bom', false, $this );Use this filter to add a BOM at the start of every generated CSV file. This is disabled by default. Here’s some example code: https://gist-it.appspot.com/https://github.com/skyverge/wc-plugins-snippets/blob/master/woocommerce-customer-order-coupon-export/csv/example-add-column-to-order-export.php?footer=minimal
XML Order Output
↑ Back to topXML Version
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_version', $xml_version );Use this filter to change the XML version specified in the generated XML. This is
by default.
XML Encoding
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_encoding', $xml_encoding );Use this filter to change the XML encoding specified in the generated XML. This is
by default. Here’s some sample code for changing to ISO-8859-1
function wc_sample_xml_change_xml_encoding() { return 'ISO-8859-1'; } add_filter( 'wc_customer_order_xml_export_suite_xml_encoding', 'wc_sample_xml_change_xml_encoding' );
Customizing Customer Output
↑ Back to topAdjust Included Customers
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_{$output_type}_user_query_args', $query_args );Where
refers to either ‘csv’ or ‘xml’.
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_user_query_args', $query_args, $output_type );Use this to adjust the query regardless of output type. Here’s an example to limit the customer CSV export to certain roles.
Adding Extra Customer Data
↑ Back to topCSV Customer Output
You’d use thewc_customer_order_export_csv_customer_headers
filter to add the column header / name, and the wc_customer_order_export_csv_customer_row
to populate the data for that column. Here’s an example snippet for adding customer columns to your CSV.
XML Customer Output
You’d use thewc_customer_order_export_xml_customers_xml_data
filter to add the tag / value before the XML is generated, and wc_customer_order_export_xml_customers_xml
to edit the XML directly.
Rename, Re-order, or Remove Customer Data
↑ Back to topModifying CSV Output
Modifying XML Output
Customizing Order Output
↑ Back to topAdjust Included Orders
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_{$output_type}_query_args', $query_args, $export_type, $output_type );Where
refers to either ‘csv’ or ‘xml’.
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_query_args', $query_args, $export_type, $output_type );Use this to adjust the query regardless of output type. Be sure to check that
'orders' === $export_type
if scoping your code to order exports.
Here’s an example to limit order exports to only orders that have at least one refund associated with them.
Adding Extra Order Data
↑ Back to topAdding CSV Output
If you need to add additional columns to the order CSV export, you’ll use two filters — one to add the column headers and another to set the data for the columns for each row. Here’s a structural sample: https://gist-it.appspot.com/https://github.com/skyverge/wc-plugins-snippets/blob/master/woocommerce-customer-order-coupon-export/csv/example-add-column-to-order-export.php?footer=minimal Since custom formats were added in version 4.0+, these may have a one row per item format. If you maintain a plugin that has compatibility with this format, you’ll want a way to check if this format is in use. Here’s an example:/** * Helper function to check the export format * * @param \WC_Customer_Order_CSV_Export_Generator $csv_generator the generator instance * @return bool - true if this is a one row per item format */ function sv_wc_csv_export_is_one_row( $csv_generator ) { $one_row_per_item = false; if ( version_compare( wc_customer_order_csv_export()->get_version(), '4.0.0', 'order_format || 'legacy_one_row_per_item' === $csv_generator->order_format ); } elseif ( isset( $csv_generator->format_definition ) ) { // post 4.0 (4.0.3+) $one_row_per_item = 'item' === $csv_generator->format_definition['row_type']; } return $one_row_per_item; }You can then use this check within your plugin or custom code to ensure you’ve added your custom data correctly:
if ( sv_wc_csv_export_is_one_row( $csv_generator ) ) { foreach ( $order_data as $data ) { $new_order_data[] = array_merge( (array) $data, $custom_data ); } } else { $new_order_data = array_merge( $order_data, $custom_data ); }However, this would only apply if you already have access to the
instance in your filter / code. If for some reason you need to check the row type for a custom format outside of a filter that gives you access to this, you can check the format definition this way:
$format_definition = wc_customer_order_csv_export()->get_formats_instance()->get_format( 'orders', 'custom', 'csv' );The
will be ‘item’ or ‘order’ for the custom format, letting you then act on the format from there. You may also want to use this for retrieving XML formats, by switching the output type to ‘xml’ instead.
Here are some more example scripts for adding additional data to the CSV order export:
- You can show the item price in the Default export formats with this code snippet.
- You can add the product and variation IDs (if the product is variable) to the Default export formats with this code snippet.
Adding XML Output
The root element is taken from the export type by default, in this case,Orders
. To adjust this you will need to use the following filter:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_root_element', ucfirst( $export_type ), $this );where $this corresponds to the XML/CSV Generator instance. If you need to add extra data directly to your XML order export, then you’ll need to use the following:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_get_orders_xml_data', array( 'Order' => $orders ), $orders );This defines the data used for the
tag, by default this will be an array of Order
tags and the individual XML for each order.
To add the extra data to the XML before it is generated, you’ll need to use:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_order_data', array( 'OrderId' => $order->id, 'OrderNumber' => $order->get_order_number(), // ...etc ), $order );This defines the format for each individual order element and passes in an
order object for each order being exported.
If you’d like to have more fine grained control over the exported data, it is also possible to adjust line_items, shipping_items, fee_items, and tax_items separately too. As an example, to add data to an Order’s LineItems
, the following filter can be used:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_xml_export_suite_order_line_item', array( 'SKU' => $product->get_sku(), 'Quantity' => $item['qty'], 'Price' => $product->get_price(), 'LineTotal' => $item['line_total'], 'Meta' => $item_meta ), $order, $item );This defines the format for each individual line item within an order, and passes in the
order object for the line item’s order, and the $item
array which contains the information about the line item.
The following filters can be used with a similar approach:
format too:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_order_note', array( 'Date' => $note->comment_date, 'Author' => $note->comment_author, 'Content' => str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), ' ', $note->comment_content ), ), $note, $order );This defines the format for each order note within an order, and passes in the
object, which contains order note comment object, along with the WC_Order
order object for the order.
Here are some more example scripts for adding additional data to the XML order export:
- Here’s an example of adding Product Add-ons in a nested format to the LineItems tag.
- You can view this example snippet to add VAT Numbers per order.
Rename, Re-order, or Remove Order Data
↑ Back to topAdjusting CSV Output
You can rename or reorder the columns using this filter:apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_csv_order_headers', $column_headers, $generator );If you’d like to remove the CSV headers from the export entirely, however, you’ll need to remove the filter function that generates this for the output. There is an example snippet to remove the headers in our snippet repository. Occasionally you might need to change the CSV after it’s already been generated though. To do this, you can use the following filter for each
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_get_${export_type}_csv_output', $csv, $order_data, $ids, $export_format, $custom_export_format );where the export type can be: ‘orders’, ‘customers’, or ‘coupons’. When using the default format, you can add / remove / modify line item entries using the filter:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_csv_export_order_line_item', $line_item, $item );This passes in the existing line item entries along with the WC Order Item array. Here’s some sample code for adding the product’s weight as item meta in the CSV export. If you wanted to modify existing data, you can do so for the line items and columns using the column header keys. Here’s a working example that will change all prices from machine-readable values to localized price output for currency. It’s also possible to separate data into multiple columns. For example, the ‘coupons’ column contains all coupon data, but this data could be expanded into individual columns with the Default formats. This sample code snippet will separate the ‘coupons’ column into 3 columns per coupon used:
, 'coupon_{$count}_description'
, and 'coupon_{$count}_amount'
Here’s a collection of some additional samples:
Adjusting XML Output
The XML is generated from an Array of XML tags, so you can adjust the order or remove tags by using this filter:apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_xml_order_data', array( 'OrderId' => $order->id, 'OrderNumber' => $order->get_order_number(), // ...etc ), $order );
Updating order status after export
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_mark_order_exported', $mark_order_as_exported, $order, $method, $handler )or by hooking into the
Here are a couple examples of updating the status on every export, or only for paid orders. $output_type
in this case can be either ‘csv’ or ‘xml’.
Additional Filters
↑ Back to topHTTP POST Filters
↑ Back to topwp_remote_post()
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_http_post_args', [ 'timeout' => 60, 'redirection' => 0, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'sslverify' => true, 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => [ 'accept' => $content_type, 'content-type' => $content_type, ], 'body' => $contents, 'cookies' => [], 'user-agent' => "WordPress " . $GLOBALS['wp_version'], ] );For example, if the web service you’re posting to requires authentication, you could use this filter to add HTTP basic auth to the headers:
function wc_csv_export_add_http_post_basic_auth( $args ) { // you can set other HTTP headers using the format $args['headers']['Header Name'] = 'header value' $args['headers']['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode( 'your_username:your_password' ); return $args; } add_filter( 'wc_customer_order_csv_export_http_post_args', 'wc_csv_export_add_http_post_basic_auth' );
Admin Filters
↑ Back to topapply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_query_args', $query_args, $export_type, $output_type );You can also customize query arguments used for the customer export using:
apply_filters( 'wc_customer_order_export_user_query_args', $query_args, $output_type )Here’s an example that lets you determine which user roles are included as customers in the export.
Custom Data Stores
↑ Back to topdefine( 'WP_USE_EXT_MYSQL', false );
to the WordPress config file.
Here are just a few examples of things that would be possible with custom data stores:
- Store exports in a separate MySQL database from the main WordPress instance.
- Store exports in a completely different database engine such as PostgresSQL or MongoDB.
- Store exports off-site, on a separate server, or with a storage service such as Amazon S3.
- Perform transformations on the data as it is being stored/retrieved — i.e. file compression, or encryption.
and hook into the filter:
$data_store = apply_filters( "wc_customer_order_export_{$output_type}_custom_data_store", $type );where
will be either ‘csv’ or ‘xml’. You may also want to look at our included WC_Customer_Order_CSV_Export_Data_Store_Database
class for further information.