Fraud is a real concern for e-commerce merchants. However, when you connect our Stripe extension to your Stripe account, Stripe Radar helps protect you against risky transactions using machine learning technology.
What is Stripe Radar?
↑ Back to topRadar is a Stripe service that uses real transaction data from millions of merchants along with advanced machine learning technology to help identify and automatically block fraudulent purchases.
Radar for Fraud Teams is also available if you’d like additional control and analytics. However, there is a per-transaction cost.
How do I enable Radar?
↑ Back to topRadar is built into Stripe, so it’s always active and monitoring transactions.
Radar for Fraud Teams can be enabled from Stripe’s Settings > Radar page.
How do I configure Radar?
↑ Back to topIt’s not currently possible to configure Radar from within the Stripe extension. You must use the Stripe dashboard.
For example, with Radar rules, you can allow, block, or require a review for orders based on various criteria you set, including but not limited to:
- The country a card was issued in
- Card brand used (e.g. American Express)
- The type of card used (e.g. debit cards)
- Geographic information about the customer
- etc.
Radar rules can be configured directly from your Stripe account dashboard.