Troubleshooting the Stripe extension

After the Stripe extension is set up and configured, customers will be able to use it to complete purchases on your site.

Once you begin accepting purchases, you may have additional questions or run into issues related to the Stripe extension. We’ve collected some of the most common issues here.


We recommend enabling Log error messages in the extension’s Advanced settings before you start troubleshooting. This will allow errors to be logged while you perform tests.
Many issues can be identified either by checking the Stripe logs after an issue has occurred, or reviewing the in-browser JavaScript console for errors during checkout.

Common issues

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Reviewing Stripe Logs

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Often troubleshooting an issue with Stripe payments means reviewing the Stripe logs. With logging enabled, you’ll find Stripe logs in the WooCommerce logger.

When tracking an issue with a specific order, often the best method is to note the order number and search for that in the log using cmd+f on Mac, or ctrl+f on Windows.

In a typical logged card payment attempt you will see the following:

  • The WooCommerce order number
  • The charge ID (starts with ch_)
  • The payment intent (starts with pi_)
  • The customer ID (starts with cus_)
  • The source ID (starts with src_)
  • The decline reason (if payment was declined)

Stripe has more details of the error messages you may find in the logs. If you need assistance interpreting logged issues, please contact support.

Contacting support

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If you have questions not covered in our documentation, please contact support. Our amazing Happiness Engineers are standing by and ready to answer any questions about the Stripe extension.

Use of your personal data
We and our partners process your personal data (such as browsing data, IP Addresses, cookie information, and other unique identifiers) based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest to optimize our website, marketing activities, and your user experience.