Order Delivery FAQ

On this page, we answer the most frequently asked questions about the Order Delivery for WooCommerce plugin.

How to change the default texts?

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You can modify the description that is shown to your customers in the Order Delivery calendar on the checkout page using the Checkout text setting.

To change other default texts, simply create a translation for your current language. You can also translate the default language (en-US).

We recommend you to use the Loco Translate plugin.

Can I customize the checkout templates in my theme?

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Yes! This extension uses the “WooCommerce Template Engine”, so you can customize them. For more information see here.

How to make the delivery date a required field?

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In your admin panel, go to “WooCommerce > Shipping & Delivery > Delivery field, and select the last option.

How can I prioritize the orders?

In your admin panel, go to “WooCommerce > Orders. Here, filter the orders by the “Processing” status. After that, sort the list by “Shipping Date” or “Delivery Date” ascending.

You can also filter them by the shipping date and show only the orders that need to be shipped today, tomorrow, etc

Note: The orders without a shipping/delivery date will not appear on the list.

How can I change the date format?

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The extension uses the WordPress date format by default. This means that to change the date format, we only need to change the value of “Settings > General > Date format“.

If you want to use a different date format, check this guide.

For older versions, the date format is a translatable string, so you can localize it for each language (even your current language), which also means the localization process can be used to change the date format. There are two strings that need to be translated:

  • Y-m-d [date format for php]
  • yyyy-mm-dd [date format for js]

By default, the extension uses the standard ISO 8601, but any valid date format can be used. More information at Translating WooCommerce.

For the localization process, we recommend using the Loco Translate plugin.

Can I change the first day of the week in the calendar?

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Yes! The extension uses the default WordPress setting “Week Starts On,” so it can be changed at Settings > General.

Can I synchronize the subscription renewal with the delivery date?

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No. Order Delivery never changes the renewal date of a subscription (next payment). Modifying a delivery date does not modify the renewal date.

Instead, if a subscription date is modified, the delivery date will be adapted. As long as the delivery date is no longer valid.